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Author Mental Midget Slayer
Categories PC
In a sudden disturbing and comedic thought of The Black Jester it was suddenly decided, Infidel Warrior will be the next game. Having ordered the domain infidelwarriorgame.com that currently points to blackjester.com but will eventually be the site for the latest game updates.
Current Plans are for Steam.
Author Mental Midget Slayer
Categories PC, Steam
E-mail me at:
apology at sorryufeelthatway.com
if you want me to apologize for something you said.
Author Mental Midget Slayer
Maybe it has something to do with the pro controller, but lets start with the analog sticks, well the 360 camera on the R stick, not always responsive, especially post fight.
L stick, it well has trouble with consistent movement, like running. Take the NY tease and run game to help the kids out. Dealing with shakedowns. Well he stops a bit, and oddly enough will pose to fight despite the nature of this event.
It’s irritating, still have the “stuck in the asset” situations, lucky for fast travel.
Really when you “Remaster,” how do the bugs survive?
I am shocked they didn’t bring Cormack into it at all, as well. At least haven’t seen it yet.
I find it funny I can start Arnold Mission, before finishing the Washington event.
Structurally I remember it run better on the Wii U Controllers, than the Switch Pro Controller.
It’s still fun when those very irritating bugs don’t occur, these guys usually over free run in all the games since Enzio was done.
Author Mental Midget Slayer
Categories Switch, Wii U
You immerse yourself in the world of a behind the times, what ever they are, businessman who is trying to keep afloat, and beyond afloat. Take over markets. It’s really crazy.
Great humor, anecdotes, satire. Insight into cynical cronyism. Some overly sensitive MAGA types, they exist, will see this as an attack on him. Even know he was never in Hawaii. Also his kid is less messed up than this one’s. Another playable character, a wannabe Punk Gangsta Singer, but mostly a gamer.
#ShakedownHawaii #NintendoSwitch pic.twitter.com/pcZb7j0Xye
— Realm of The MMS (@neobuda) May 19, 2019
The third Playable is a “Foreign Consultant,” who knocks off South American cartels for you. We all need friends like these.
It goes, in many ways, like Retro City Rampage, and it’s as fun. Doing the old GTA street kills in vehicles. Cops are a bit more lax in Hawaii than in Retro City. Also you can get guns by hitting cases, but be prepared for greater and greater onslaughts.
Beautifully there is no font problem. Oh you can read every word, often Square RPGS have this issue. That being said having played FF12 before this, you realize how much assive graphical cut scenes take away from game play time.
There is plenty to do, plenty of social commentary and non stop action in between.
It has a side gag business simulator as well.
I know no game more worth the bucks than this, I only regret it wasn’t on a hard version, now I will get that when it comes, it’s still worth a second buy. More to the point I haven’t felt less like I wasted my time since The Blind Prince and Liar Princess. There were a lot of Games between.
Give this a try, it’s in the eStore and like forms on other Consoles and Steam. Even might still have physical Vita copies around.
Lock and Load, and Get Featherbottom.
Author Mental Midget Slayer
Categories Switch, Console
Balthier had hopes of interest. But not enough, a Vincent factor that drops in early. Some times the story seems strong. Yet falls to disappointment. Underwhelming story line is no way to make up for a shitty battle system mixed in with a map system.
Can you say Xenoblade? At least it had an end more end like than X.
Yes it’s Xenoblade, but the problem is it’s suppose to be Final Fantasy, and cripes they couldn’t fall in a 4 Fiend Villain dynamic, just Judged that look like Garland.
While they had Espers, no usual names, aside from Bosses Chaos and Zeromus who are the Bosses of the Best Games. 1 and 4, could maybe have thrown in 9’s by that count.
The 4 Fiend Sagas I call them, even if it was a little lack luster in 9 due to original space. Those were Final Fantasy. Those were great. I accept 6 because it seemed post Fiend and Kefka basically stole all that shit likely anyway.
But yeah, Vayne. He had an Empire, it was Gestahl’s Empire with a shitty fact that no villain worth Kefka’s evil bastard Salt showed up. More of a Lord Seymore. Yeah lets see less.
Over 100 hours of wasted time and your punished with a bad pop song.
Fuck! Will they not tread back and remember what Final Fantasy was. A series is only as good as some consistent patters. Birds Eye is good, I like pixels, but the 4 fiends and Turn based and a real map mode are basics.
The Xenoblade like Partial Voicing is amusing.
The worst part, what Kind of FF has Cid as a bad guy? Oh and the ham voice acting. The Shopkeep at the beginning is it. Marquis (Mark-E) and Balthier (Balt-e-air) mispronounced, okay you can say it’s not our human world with a French language, but then explain it. They did not.
Like Xenoblade, lots of lacking in explainations. My instinct was this, but I bought and played through it on the Switch. Glad it’s fucking over. Granted 1 mark and Esper left, but they are needless.
Zeromus will basically beat almost everything for you.
Only good thing is, well, fuck, it’s start screen, it starts with the old song.
Oh a New Game+. Shit guess I might have to see it through, or at least til ACIII arrives, I like that and Ubisoft when the glitch doesn’t show.
Oh the game was solid, little crashing and glitches.
If it’s worth mentioning Game+ aspects, I’ll add it here under edit.
Really should play 9 to wash this out of my mind.
Skill system is alright, but not great. 1 Green spell, why have Green Magic, although I thought that was Summoning, maybe because of Rydia. Summons in this were largely Pythons.
Edit (May 19 2019)
Balthier knows who Venat is….but not clear how…in fact Venat’s people (Occuria) are poorly structured in this, including at the end. The whole Vayne Novus form is a loose situation.
Judge Balthier’s severing of Cid is a rather week thing as well filled with overt dramatics.
One Positive: Gilgamesh (all aspects).
New Game + for some reason launches you into lv 90, I finished it 2 in 70s and 1 at 59.
Author Mental Midget Slayer
Categories Switch, Console
Discussing Mortal Kombat 11 and The Myth of the Woke Fighter.
Realm of the Mental Midget Slayer #RoMMS
Full Podcast
Will be on Bitchune Video Youtube
Twitter: gzlfb /
haveabj (IG as well) Gab: TheBlackJester and Minds:
TheBlackJester and My fb page
Paypal If you still bother with them Get Swag: http://www.majorwhorefarer.com/ -> http://www.cafepress.com/majorwhorefarer
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#MK11 #NintendoSwitch #Woke #Jax #JaxBriggs #FightingGames #VideoGames #PoliticallyCorrect #PoliticallyIncorrect #MortalKombat #MortalKombat11
Author Mental Midget Slayer
Categories Switch, Video Games
Worst thing, it froze shortly into story mode. First day had two shut downs. But aside from women in the military, it’s not terribly woke. You have a white Republican Cage family with endings that are very selfless (Didn’t do Sonya Cage’s yet, but he and his Daughter).
Jax in the story mode is easily tempted into fucking with time for sentimental nonsense. He became an old cynic. He wallows in his guilt. So he does things that are very selfish in his self pity. But that’s his problem.
Jeremy at
TheQuartering</a> was wrong old Jax loses his way. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MK11?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MK11</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/NintendoSwitch?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#NintendoSwitch</a> <a href="https://t.co/WFw6dv0Oyy">pic.twitter.com/WFw6dv0Oyy</a></p>— Realm of The MMS (
neobuda) April 24, 2019
Other endings, Jacky Briggs, selfless, she ended her own birth for her dad so he never becomes a Revanant. He never gets damaged.
The Cages both want Sonya alive. Daughter wants daddy to be happy. Not anti-White Male, and he’s an arrogant one.
This myth about “Make Outworld Great Again,” it sounds funny, but I didn’t hear it when I played the Story Mode all the way.
Really it seems like a metaphor for stopping Feminisits from fucking up the world and rewriting the past. Oh the Woke people are going to hate this game.
The Black Israelite part of Jax’s thing, in regard to George Washington, never happened. Nothing calling him a Black Man.
I find it a very good game, very engrossing, and man there’s a lot of fighting, I prefer FF9’s Crypt System. Barraka is back. 10 sucked, but it seems true, the odd number MKs are better in odd numbers. Noob is Noob Saibot again.
The Sonya and Johnny bring up Reagan in the positive, is that Woke?
The outfit thing and whining from people who don’t breast feed as babies, don’t blame Netherrealms and WB for this.
The outfits are practical, although Jacquin’s armor looks awkward. She shows leg in the blue number in the short tower.
It’s a solid fighter. I think they might over do it on a Graphical level and made the font hard to read on a 32 inch flat screen. Same old story.
I think the some have gotten so wrapped up in Political Correct attacks, they are seeing it in places like this, where it doesn’t belong. The Quezicotl Reference of Kotar may be deemed and anti-Mexico, an anti-Immigration position. But it’s just a game, and really story mode has benefits in finishing, and isn’t the worst one Boon has ever done.
There are some autosave glitches, and battle to story mode transition isn’t too smooth.
Now the DLC, I got Shao Khan for my pre-order, didn’t know it was a thing. Don’t buy Frost, story mode awards it.
Now DLC is insane, if you go on the eShop or what ever shop involved. Think first, “will I be playing it hard core that long?” before buying it. There is no way I will be. DLC and Microtransactions are a waste of money in this situation. It’s not all that needed.
If you like the articles, I do on a fly. Please consider donating to it.
I bought and crammed this game. To get this info to you. I don’t regret buying it. If I got a comp earlier I’d offer to send them the money after playing it. I’d still hate the DLC nonsense. The initial Download is a bit of a pain.
I have hosting costs comming, 380 or something USD to renew my host for three years, I also ordered some new cam and mic, maybe I’ll stream it a bit. Not sure.
Author Mental Midget Slayer
Categories Switch, PC
It’s a beautiful game with incredible musical composition, illustrations, and writing. Vibrant backgrounds, and animations.
It’s a story of a Prince who meets, what in two ways, is a lying bitch. They end up in an epic quest, where friendship and redemption are discovered.
In some ways it mirrors the theme of the beautiful and cleaver Yomawar, a game that has a nasty lesson in lies.
This game is beautiful. #LiarPrincess #BlindPrince #NintendoSwitch pic.twitter.com/ZblVALq79M
— Realm of The MMS (@neobuda) February 17, 2019
But this is an odd thing, because in all my toxic and hard masculinity, I have rarely cried in a response to fiction. As kid when the Government got Alf and when the Octopath Traveler Merchant’s Story passed by a couple of moments. When she offered to give the Captain a treasure, and when she discovered her treasure at her end bit.
But this actually did it. I don’t know why, perhaps it’s because I had many dogs, and perhaps I was lied to a lot by girls, and always hoped to see them apologize. I have no idea, but it hit a bloody cord, the fact I would admit this, that for a brief moment I was pussing out on my emotional stoic guard, shows what brilliance this game is.
I do not recommend missing this. It wasn’t even all that expensive with an art book and sound track, frankly if it was the usual 80 bucks, I’d feel satisfied.
Put it in a damn art museum, I am a bloody art snob, and I think some games, like this and Yomawari, need that consideration.
Author Mental Midget Slayer
Categories Switch, Video Games
So your some classic liberal trouble maker who fights tax collectors, and one day you find a Blastia is not fixed by a Mage, but stolen.
You wind up in Jail, and well get told how to get out, leading you into intrigue.
Blastia, well it’s like a Magicite (FF6) or Xenoblade Chronicles 2 core crystal. Even Mako, I suppose.
Well with conversations familiar to Bravely or Octopath, Environments like FF9, with Camera Movements like Bravely (Default and Second). A theme of orb like Crystals. No great unsatisfying meaning behind it, unlike Xenoblade games. A FF9 type Weapon/Skill System. Crafting called Synthesis, and yes something like Titans.
In fact the XB2 cycle of Titan to Crystals are here, but no silly blade-person type thing with a Gotcha to it.
A lot of anti-Government, anti-Authoritarian undertones, with some pre-English era Shogun sympathies.
That’s Tales of Vesperia, a deeply engrossing game, with a twist or two. With English and Japanese audio.
Author Mental Midget Slayer
Categories NX, Switch