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Play-Asia Search (crypto friendly):

Xenoblade Fantasy 9: Bravely Third #ToV #NintendoSwitch


So your some classic liberal trouble maker who fights tax collectors, and one day you find a Blastia is not fixed by a Mage, but stolen.
You wind up in Jail, and well get told how to get out, leading you into intrigue.
Blastia, well it’s like a Magicite (FF6) or Xenoblade Chronicles 2 core crystal. Even Mako, I suppose.
Well with conversations familiar to Bravely or Octopath, Environments like FF9, with Camera Movements like Bravely (Default and Second). A theme of orb like Crystals. No great unsatisfying meaning behind it, unlike Xenoblade games. A FF9 type Weapon/Skill System. Crafting called Synthesis, and yes something like Titans.
In fact the XB2 cycle of Titan to Crystals are here, but no silly blade-person type thing with a Gotcha to it.
A lot of anti-Government, anti-Authoritarian undertones, with some pre-English era Shogun sympathies.
That’s Tales of Vesperia, a deeply engrossing game, with a twist or two. With English and Japanese audio.

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