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#FF12 is a Suckjob: Still Hate #FF8 and #FF10 more. #NintendoSwitch


Balthier had hopes of interest. But not enough, a Vincent factor that drops in early. Some times the story seems strong. Yet falls to disappointment. Underwhelming story line is no way to make up for a shitty battle system mixed in with a map system.
Can you say Xenoblade? At least it had an end more end like than X.
Yes it’s Xenoblade, but the problem is it’s suppose to be Final Fantasy, and cripes they couldn’t fall in a 4 Fiend Villain dynamic, just Judged that look like Garland.
While they had Espers, no usual names, aside from Bosses Chaos and Zeromus who are the Bosses of the Best Games. 1 and 4, could maybe have thrown in 9’s by that count.
The 4 Fiend Sagas I call them, even if it was a little lack luster in 9 due to original space. Those were Final Fantasy. Those were great. I accept 6 because it seemed post Fiend and Kefka basically stole all that shit likely anyway.
But yeah, Vayne. He had an Empire, it was Gestahl’s Empire with a shitty fact that no villain worth Kefka’s evil bastard Salt showed up. More of a Lord Seymore. Yeah lets see less.
Over 100 hours of wasted time and your punished with a bad pop song.
Fuck! Will they not tread back and remember what Final Fantasy was. A series is only as good as some consistent patters. Birds Eye is good, I like pixels, but the 4 fiends and Turn based and a real map mode are basics.
The Xenoblade like Partial Voicing is amusing.
The worst part, what Kind of FF has Cid as a bad guy? Oh and the ham voice acting. The Shopkeep at the beginning is it. Marquis (Mark-E) and Balthier (Balt-e-air) mispronounced, okay you can say it’s not our human world with a French language, but then explain it. They did not.
Like Xenoblade, lots of lacking in explainations. My instinct was this, but I bought and played through it on the Switch. Glad it’s fucking over. Granted 1 mark and Esper left, but they are needless.
Zeromus will basically beat almost everything for you.
Only good thing is, well, fuck, it’s start screen, it starts with the old song.

Oh a New Game+. Shit guess I might have to see it through, or at least til ACIII arrives, I like that and Ubisoft when the glitch doesn’t show.

Oh the game was solid, little crashing and glitches.

If it’s worth mentioning Game+ aspects, I’ll add it here under edit.

Really should play 9 to wash this out of my mind.

Skill system is alright, but not great. 1 Green spell, why have Green Magic, although I thought that was Summoning, maybe because of Rydia. Summons in this were largely Pythons.

Edit (May 19 2019)
Balthier knows who Venat is….but not clear how…in fact Venat’s people (Occuria) are poorly structured in this, including at the end. The whole Vayne Novus form is a loose situation.
Judge Balthier’s severing of Cid is a rather week thing as well filled with overt dramatics.
One Positive: Gilgamesh (all aspects).
New Game + for some reason launches you into lv 90, I finished it 2 in 70s and 1 at 59.

Dissent This

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