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Play-Asia Search (crypto friendly):

#ShakedownHawaii by @VBlankgames/@retroCr: Back to the 80s, 90s, 00s....err now? #NintendoSwitch


You immerse yourself in the world of a behind the times, what ever they are, businessman who is trying to keep afloat, and beyond afloat. Take over markets. It’s really crazy.
Great humor, anecdotes, satire. Insight into cynical cronyism. Some overly sensitive MAGA types, they exist, will see this as an attack on him. Even know he was never in Hawaii. Also his kid is less messed up than this one’s. Another playable character, a wannabe Punk Gangsta Singer, but mostly a gamer.

The third Playable is a “Foreign Consultant,” who knocks off South American cartels for you. We all need friends like these.
It goes, in many ways, like Retro City Rampage, and it’s as fun. Doing the old GTA street kills in vehicles. Cops are a bit more lax in Hawaii than in Retro City. Also you can get guns by hitting cases, but be prepared for greater and greater onslaughts.
Beautifully there is no font problem. Oh you can read every word, often Square RPGS have this issue. That being said having played FF12 before this, you realize how much assive graphical cut scenes take away from game play time.
There is plenty to do, plenty of social commentary and non stop action in between.
It has a side gag business simulator as well.
I know no game more worth the bucks than this, I only regret it wasn’t on a hard version, now I will get that when it comes, it’s still worth a second buy. More to the point I haven’t felt less like I wasted my time since The Blind Prince and Liar Princess. There were a lot of Games between.
Give this a try, it’s in the eStore and like forms on other Consoles and Steam. Even might still have physical Vita copies around.
Lock and Load, and Get Featherbottom.

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