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Play-Asia Search (crypto friendly):

Super Neptunia RPG: Funny Cutesy Shit


Well I just went off the darkness of Salt and Sanctuary for the moment and flipped a switch essentially to something cutesy and shockingly brilliant.
It’s a game that starts with a angelic figure and a shadow repeating sink, sink, sink…with friends and they all have Care Bear names for some fucking reason.
But eventually you wake up to a dark masked individual checking out even houses registered as empty, he’s taking taxes. What are taxed? Game cartridges.

It seems to be a 2D Game fanatic’s world in one way, but what is really showing to be the evil is attack on physical game ownership, so if you really want to feel right about having this game, a physical copy it is.

Eventually you’ll find 4 amnesiacs, well 3 besides yourself, Neptunia. Who move on a journey mocking all sorts of game tropes like a clean Slave Master.

Don’t worry won’t name them. You’ll meat a Chromia, not one of the other 3. A mysterious girl who warns you and is being hunted by this Bobyx Mori which is a kind of Silk Worm that likes Mulberry. No idea why this name is used. Nortmally I like to do the whole thing, but I will follow through with more if it gets bad enough to send me in a rage. Oh you’ll get to summon a friendly flan, so don’t get impatient with jumps. Also a good idea to hold on to ores and crystals, because if you got the wrong elemental move your screwed without them.

It’s not high on difficulty, except maybe when it’s knowing where to go, very old school. But it’s fun, engaging, and funny. Not secretly taped Louis CK funny, but funny.

Most especially funny, no one seems to have any tech to make a fucking game or play it in this world.

Categories Switch, Console

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