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Flaming Failure, Locked At 15


Never since Assassin’s Creed Unity Sequence 7 have I a managed to experience such horror, such idiocy. ACU, well that was a fucking glitch. Level 15, is a total shit storm of an error in what was, up to then, a fabulous experience, at this point the game is torched. Torched by wondering into a fire trap where the test to get the key card, is to find the wrong key card, and only the wrong key card. Blue card, green doors. Imagine the nightmare being before you see the other side of the green door. Nuclear Blaze was taking me there and when I was about to release, boom! Gamer blue balls. I was so upset, I even delayed writing this, hoping there would be the “update mulligan” later, nope! What was supremely awesome, it came with a real booklet.

Sound and Graphics are solid.
Very pretty, solid Gameplay and challenge.
Fundamental error at Level 15.


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