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Play-Asia Search (crypto friendly):

Leasure Suit Larry: Social Dystopian Comedy #Chemtrails #SocialMedia #ToxicMales #Deplatforming #LSLWDDD #NintendoSwitch


Now it’s not to say, Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don’t Die, is preachy, it isn’t. You just see shit you see all day, and for decades even.
It’s assentialy a dystopian e-dating satire with references from everything from chemtrails, scandalous reporters to deplatforming. It’s no prudish preachy story, which usually are two items to go together.
But it’s a guy going through the story on a Social App, who they don’t want popular, becoming popular. They try having him arrested, even know he doesn’t terribly bother people, despite an artifact of the 80s.

Other jokes are the classic “look the boss is watching” workstation (hit ZL) and also drops the name of it’s creator at Sierra and his #2 when he gets jailed. Larry would be called a toxic male, but he’s a non-Prudish, even if crass, male who doesn’t play endless blame games. He’s just grateful he’s somewhat understood even at the worst of his persecution by the Social Media platform he is unaware as doing it.
It also shows a frightening concept in regards to privacy, that people all over, for their libidinous desires, are being tracked and publicly rated as lovers by a sort of dating yelp.
Also a huge remark of the Cult of….well that’s obvious, I mean the size of that D….tower.
It has a metaphoric cleverness, as well as a puzzle cleverness. As a lover of past Leisure Suit Larry’s, including that sheet of paper telling me there will not be a 4, I loved it.
Now it’s possible you might find a physical copy from Europe in Play Asia or Amazon as an import (voices aren’t limey’d up) like I did. But it’s more than likely it will end up a EStore Download or Steam Store Download.
Just remember, your most important tool is a quarter. Your Screwed without it.

Also availlable on PS4.

Categories Switch, Steam

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