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One Sixty Nine: Your Fucked Is What That Means. #GoogleStadia #Stadia #SteamGames #NintendoSwitch


On pitch it doesn’t even look impressive, especially since I am one person glad I hadn’t heard about Destiny in years. Christ when I read Kotaku’s BS, this was one of things they were obviously paid to over report on. Ahhhhhh!
That and Overwatch. Oh God I hated hearing those names after a while.
Stadia, which gets it’s name from a sort of Sniper Technique, measuring distances with a telescopic instrument, or perhaps a Papparazi Camera. Or maybe they thought it would sound like “Stadium.” Yeah, not clear branding Google/Alphabet.
This is being pushed by a business that just looked like it went on it’s knees and kissed the Vox Ring of Maza and demonetized voices and banned others. So I doubt you’ll get PewdiePie or any other big Gamer to webcast this.
Really Stupid, you bit the hand that would feed Stadia, all you have are e-Zines with Trouble like Kotaku to maybe check it out, because the Woke like Maza think you didn’t do enough.
Now back to the Stadia, aside from it being part of mass censorship. Like the Xbox is can be tied to the laughable Russiagate Collusion nonsense (MS in MSNBC is Microsoft), but still Bing has a more respectable search than Google.
Alphabet has thrusted a Game Machine, well that’s really a Chromeclouded “you don’t own any games” and “not even by download” play and it’s about less than a 100 bucks less costly than a Switch plus a 11/mo in Pro service.
Also, Nintendo has gotten cooler about Webcasting. Google clearly not.
Nintendo has a ban on mixing political messages with fun, Google is a fascistic political message now.
I recommend Steam and a Nintendo Switch. Steam you can fall on for anything major you can’t get on the Switch, or minor. Although Nindies have gotten so great, well Steam is needed for less. But Slave Master is there, now at a lower price.
See Steam rarely ever bans anything or anyone. You have to be into total fraud for that. Nintendo as well.
So yeah, fuck Stadia. You’ll save 169 for a piece of crap they might ban you off if they find a video of your opinions one day. After collecting all that money.
If your bent on spending 169 on something, I take donations.

Stadia Website
The Quartering Being Way Too Nice

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