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Play-Asia Search (crypto friendly):

#SaltandSanctuary: Not Sure the Point Yet. #NintendoSwitch #Nindies


Not sure the point yet. But Salt and Sanctuary is a fun game. It’s also very pretty and functions rather well. It’s got no major or obvious narrative, but some awesome Boses popping up here and there.

Some style similar to the Blind Prince and the Liar Princess. But nothing so heart warming.
I highly recommend playing it though. You have a nameless character, who goes about finding Sanctuaries, Salt for Leveling, and Gold for stuff.
It’s like Adventure of Link mixed with Metroid’s Mapping and got an artsy look.
The Salt Factor is a little annoying, but it’s challenge as any. It’s got a decent old school Engine Structure.
Oh and when I bought it, an actual booklet. A real physical booklet.

Categories Switch, Console

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