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Rightube's Corrupt Failure: Morbius


The Batman violates much of the tenants of let’s say what the popul conservatives call right, in fact it favors war mongering, has a feminist line, but fuck it’s the cat whore saying it. It does not honor source material and it stinks with the exception of two scenes brilliant owned by John Turturro (as Falcone), two, in one fucking film.
The Jokes, is a leftist whine fest about “how society made me a mass murderer,” boo hoo, sounds like a parody comic series I was planning on in the 90s. Cry me a river, bleeding hearts, would have been the Brigade and Dittohead response in that day.

Now Morbius, in the day of all the “wokeness” complained about all the identity politics a movie panning the very idea as the villain whines in the collective gets not just ignored but panned by rightube and libertarian on the anti-identarian song. Not just that it followed the source material, was well cast without petty political signalling.

It was awesome, and I doubt they saw any of the three fucking movies. Who paid them to say what they said?? Weather it be Friday Night Tights or Geeks and Gamers crowds or the very unsurprising Quartering?????

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