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Did You Lose, Doesn't Make Sense? Deep State And Gaming.....


There is literally a league of people who never beat a game off easy mode, got 5th in Mario Kart, may 4th and despises you for winning.
This is one of the oddest NSA/CIA supported groups out there.
They literally fit them with firmware, sandbox software, controllers and bunch of other shit to know your playing and derail you.
In my experience they have slown my car down, sped up NPCs and other players in multiple modes online and off, tried to move my car while I do, and even off set item collections. That’s in Mario Kart and Choco GP. Most recently while Dragon Quest Treasures they even made a slime have super strength against my highly leveled characters. Street Fighter moves stopped working.
I have managed to hack and take some of these people off while playing and the difference is huge.
So if you have noticed an inexplicable loss, it wasn’t you or your game, it was some deep state meddlers, your tax dollars at work. I guess the games could use less vulnerabilities.
They have given the firm ware to others, sometimes to increase their own speed, some go into reselling it, sort of as chip mods.

Categories Switch, Steam

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