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Gears-Club 2 is the Best: Since Sim Raceway #GearsClub2 #SimRaceway #NintendoSwitch


Actually the only thing better than playing Gears Club 2, would be if I could get and work the Simraceway Wheel on the Nintendo Switch with this game, or any racing game.
I thought the Wii U was ideal for racing game, because you could pro wheel much of the screen-controller. But this is the one problem.

The biggest issue, if put it on manual, I am stuck pressing up and down gear buttons. Which is like an auto shift stick. Even the right analog can’t use motions to switch from1 to 6 and so on. But a pro like wheel, like with Simraceway’s was genius.
It would allow a quick gear shift on manual. Well as manual as computer shifting gets.
It has a great set of car options, a tip, do a lot of exhibition and don’t win the ones with 13000-15000 prizes for losing. Winning will possible leave you without any until you make a car go up hill right.

But really, it’s worth it. I have a Club Up. Turul Riders or something like that.

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