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It’s a pixel side moving game that shows beautiful 80s cyberpunk views and throws you in a world of random fucking items, occasionally useful, and often one that offers you a probable chance at probable defense or other things.
It’s often getting the fire shit, even, if it worked, shock shielding, but much of it sucked.
The gun is nice, when unlocked, as the default sword, but only if it flares up.
There really is no strategy involved, just item lotteries and very little to offer skill. Aside from any
annoying tree system.
If you die, at some point, you start again and can select, a barely effective, skill tree bonus, if you find the right materials the play before.
It’s largely bullshit, but can be fun to shoot a bunch of guys like Captain Commando.
I’ll just say this, I wish I didn’t buy Blade Assault, at all.

Categories Switch, Console

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What the fuck am I playing!?
I get out of a tomb, after what seems like a required loss (Samurai) and I find myself wandering around wondering, what I am supposed to fucking do in this game.
All I’ve done thus far is kill some unfed moron cultists, fall to far to my death, nailed a few soldiers and with no purpose, well maybe to shut some of the mantra up. A mantra seemingly designed to actually trigger someone.
A directionless game, with very little rune (exp) grind. Eventually I did find the bimbo at a broken church, who wished to increase my level. I had to search for a story aspect to up my damn level!?
Fuck this. Elden Ring blows.
It drags on so much, I was hoping for some feminist ‘on the rag doll’ to show up with an annoying message.

Additional: Shitty typeface for a TV.

Categories Steam, PC

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Anyone Else?

Categories Steam, PC

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Fuck them all, made by intellectual property thieving corporations. Demand Creators get their due! Gab Poll

Categories Console, Classics

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The Batman violates much of the tenants of let’s say what the popul conservatives call right, in fact it favors war mongering, has a feminist line, but fuck it’s the cat whore saying it. It does not honor source material and it stinks with the exception of two scenes brilliant owned by John Turturro (as Falcone), two, in one fucking film.
The Jokes, is a leftist whine fest about “how society made me a mass murderer,” boo hoo, sounds like a parody comic series I was planning on in the 90s. Cry me a river, bleeding hearts, would have been the Brigade and Dittohead response in that day.

Now Morbius, in the day of all the “wokeness” complained about all the identity politics a movie panning the very idea as the villain whines in the collective gets not just ignored but panned by rightube and libertarian on the anti-identarian song. Not just that it followed the source material, was well cast without petty political signalling.

It was awesome, and I doubt they saw any of the three fucking movies. Who paid them to say what they said?? Weather it be Friday Night Tights or Geeks and Gamers crowds or the very unsurprising Quartering?????

Categories Comics

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There is literally a league of people who never beat a game off easy mode, got 5th in Mario Kart, may 4th and despises you for winning.
This is one of the oddest NSA/CIA supported groups out there.
They literally fit them with firmware, sandbox software, controllers and bunch of other shit to know your playing and derail you.
In my experience they have slown my car down, sped up NPCs and other players in multiple modes online and off, tried to move my car while I do, and even off set item collections. That’s in Mario Kart and Choco GP. Most recently while Dragon Quest Treasures they even made a slime have super strength against my highly leveled characters. Street Fighter moves stopped working.
I have managed to hack and take some of these people off while playing and the difference is huge.
So if you have noticed an inexplicable loss, it wasn’t you or your game, it was some deep state meddlers, your tax dollars at work. I guess the games could use less vulnerabilities.
They have given the firm ware to others, sometimes to increase their own speed, some go into reselling it, sort of as chip mods.

Categories Switch, Steam

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After this it would be no surprise it won a Gamie Award. Bayonetta 1 and 2, all be it tangled with paradox, were very good a solid games following a female protagonists dealing with “her issues,” sadly it seemed it was an issue she would never be able to resolve.
It seems Bayonetta was not just an Umbran Witch, but a pedophile.
Butterfly Kisses, is a notorious and well covered up ring of child baiting child molesters who seek out pie eyed innocent young girls who hope to change the world through a course at the YWCA usually led by a notorious feminists.
Bayonetta 3, well, it is the latest tool of propaganda used to catch the eyes of some pie eyed females, using such blatant imagery it is bound to be hushed up in the year and we will all be lucky never to have remember playing that turd.
Do not buy this for your daughter and warn her of such an organization and the creepy nature of the term “Butterfly Kisses.”
Try Bioshock 2, rather mocks it.

Categories Switch, Video Games

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