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Geek Culture: Are They Geeks?


Are they really because they play CoD and chatter about “gaming?”
Well Geeks, Nerds, Dorks, Jocks, and so on all played action games and fighters, and shooters in arcades.
What changed over a special “Geek area” was the RPG, not just the crudely drawn ones we jokingly did on the school steps where I introduced a Vagina with teeth in sixth grade. I am talking Final Fantasy and then named Dragon Warrior (now Quest), where reading was part of it.
Yes those of us who valued books and I suppose were even smart asses too, liked classic references (like in FF). But it doesn’t count with modern Final Fantasy where they read it for you in various voices, hey I’d take the gig too, I am not hating the voice actors. I just think there are false geeks and nerds claiming love for Final Fantasy, but only because it’s read for them.
Right now there is a jock culture in Gaming, more than ever, especially with the internet and the ability to easily tease and hassle other players on chats. I say “suck it up” but humorless pink shirt wussies think different. Sadly.
But the point is, when a celeb or anyone else tries to sell themselves as a “geek,” ask them if they even read an RPG lately.

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