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I Might Not Finish #TheWitcher3 Here's Why.


I am not regretting getting it, largely because it’s a symbol of releasing a game right. I respect CD Project Red, for showing everyone in their industry, they can put a full game into a physical release, in most cases. It showed some skill.
Now it looks great (I did use a M-Classic), but I know of the downgrades, I saw the compares, and they weren’t much to me.
I don’t think the game play is tops, I think it’s a moderate challenge at best, the story is written as a chore to listen to and read. I hate the item menus and shop menus.
Also as compared to the Dragon Quest 11 release, having the physical DQ 1,2,3 and Dark Siders II I am dying to dive back into. Following DQ 11 is a hard act, and I hate what they did with time and paradox, but largely, DQ11 is brilliant.
The best part, is the monster battles, especially the Griffin thing. But, the battles, oh unless your in a wolf area, doesn’t happen much. Weather Breath of the Wild or Link’s Awakening type in that Genre has it bear in that area. BoTW has a terrible DLC added dungeon thing, all the same, and there isn’t even a complete edition either.
The added physical materials, were very nice. Although they could have added controls to the booklet. But it’s nice to see a map, like Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest II came with.
So if you want to promote physical release in the industry and doing it right on day 1, get it to send the message. It’s a great vote with the wallet option.
But I am so tempted to put it off at least til I get through other things, including the swash buckling Assassin’s Creed Games.
Dam still have a thing or two left for Salt and Sanctuary.

Categories Console, Switch

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