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The Macra Terror - Review


Doctor Who (2nd)
The Macra Terror (animated repro, original audio)
Patrick Troughton (The Doctor), Frazer Himes (Jamie), Anneke Willis (Polly).
John Davies (Director)
Ian Stuart Black (Writer)

A brilliant insightful statement about authoritarianism and the use of propaganda and forceful psychiatric treatment. Likely the primary influence of the Sun Makers.
They land on a colony filled with propaganda and a great secret kept under control by a 1984 style Controller (idea of the President) speech.
The citizens are blinded by mesmerism in bed, or if it fails psychiatry or forced labor mines. During the discovery of this the doctor utters the statement, “Never just obey, think for yourself.” The moment of hearing this, I went, “Now that’s the Doctor I remember.”
Ironically New Who, the BBC even, has more been more of the villain in The Macra Terror.
I could say more, but if you want to have it spoiled, the Wiki sites will do it for you.
I can offer a riddle, when you have Gas got to Scratch, what do you get?

Animation is Archer style came with Color and B&W versions.


Categories Dr Who, Sci Fi

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