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Play-Asia Search (crypto friendly):

Disjointed Unity: Total Shit


Total Shit. Assasin’s Creed always at least got accents right, but they seem to have Paris of the Highlander Series, mostly everyone is british. Mother fucking idiocy and they fixed nothing important to this day. You can get stuck in thin air and on roofs tops, literally stuck, only thing that works is his bad eagle view. Oh and the skill system sucks ass. At least in ACII he learned new things in the story elements. But really the best scenarios were when these people already had a natural ability, this Arno ass has nothing until he drinks the Arkham City Ra Juice and goes into a world that glitches and you can’t tell right away because the acid trip looks glitchy intentionally too, it first looks on purpose when he is on something than lifts up and usually leaves him behind. Even the prison break can leave you separated from the Scottish asshole, between you a door he should have opened for you.
This is post patches. Got it on the cheep and it still should be recalled.
Graphics are shit, it’s like Google Panoramic with time travel and a badly designed idiot climbing it when not stuck.
Bad on the cheep, I pity the pre-orders and orders on day 1.

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