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Reason to avoid PS*, XBox, even PC: Arkham, AC, CoD


The exclusion of Wii U as it stands, currently and in appearance, and if wrong and just later, well they should say something. Anyway Arkham Knights, AC Unity, and latest Call of Duty. All excluding one new system, in fact even two of them might not have a release on all but Wii U (this including an XBox 360 or PS3 version). Reason a gamer regardless of choice of system should be pissed about this, is the fact that likely, you were excluded for something with really bad reasons like your choices and tastes. Likely it hurt and you did not like this, well take it out on them then, as a consumer, you have power over those who exclude.
Oddly enough Wii U is the only company out there with a top 3 franchise (beating Assassin’s Creed) and the best 1st party games they only real reason to get a console for a game, yes, the only good reason is 1st party gaming. 3rd Party being sold as a reason is usually just a sign how pathetic Sony and Microsoft are in house now. Worse for MS(XBox) a Software company from the start. Both Sony and Nintendo started with home electronics.

Categories 3DS, Wii U

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