Complete Series DVD CAN USA
The Original Comic in collections, aren’t bad near the start, although the cartoon and films maybe more fleshed out, especially if you judge Vol 3 and 5 of the Ultimate Collection. Some usually say things like “True to the Comic,” however you’ll find a time line reading these that show they all kind of got made around the same time.
Rat King likely pops up first in the Cartoon, looking at the notes.
So this is the one thing that “True to the Comic,” is a truly insane comparison. Likely the only post-Classic Series that tie into this are Stockman and Karai and not quite well. Stockman vanishes and gives up way too easy as well.
Karai had no allegiance to Shredder. The Krang aliens leave near the beginning as friends. You could possibly complain about the later Fox and Nick shows. Being an aftermath.
Vol 3 and 5 waste a lot of time with tireless “regular life” tedium. Domestic Casey, included. I won’t get crazy over a pointless Cerberus crossover, however Spawn handled it better. Just saying. That Compendium (CAN USA) is a huge recommendation. Unless you have some issue with Spawn.
The comics are well illustrated and largely quick read. Deepest moment was the Rat King reveal at the end of Vol 3, and if that didn’t happen I’d have not gone to 4. A lot of stories are side by side eventually and stretch out, however if you watch the Classic Animation or Original Show, aside from Dreg episodes, really fuck Lord Dreg. You might find some of this fatuous and tedious near the middle.
Worth a brush up on the black and white lines of the Ninja Turtles with Kung Fu weapons. If your a Turtle nut, later animated Series, Saban’s garbage, newer comics and Nick…oh and Michael Bay….can’t even get me to bother, as a lover of this Terrapin animal type, much less these 3 original forms of the TMNT works. Includes 3d animated crap.
The up coming Game on the Switch Looks great, “Shredder’s Revenge,” like the old games. Be nice if it’s a physical game.