You will find pedophiles aka MAPs and NoMAPS using Isabelle as a pedo icon, retweet it to Nintendo’s mentions, e-mail it to Nintendo, just let them know.
I doubt they like it as much as Twitter does.
Like Neo Buda on Orbys
Neo Buda, Township of Animal Crossing: New Leaf(3DS FC# 4296-3701-7328 DC# 4D00-000F-98B4) #ACNL, etc...
Island in Animal Crossing New Horizons #ACNH - Europe, Southern Hemisphere, Pears. SW-1396-6458-1403
Orbys - Gab - Support Freespeech
You will find pedophiles aka MAPs and NoMAPS using Isabelle as a pedo icon, retweet it to Nintendo’s mentions, e-mail it to Nintendo, just let them know.
I doubt they like it as much as Twitter does.
Like Neo Buda on Orbys
Author Mental Midget Slayer
Categories Switch, Console
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