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DLC is The Master of Destruction: Dragon Quest Builder 2 #DQBuilders2 #DragonQuestBuilders2 #NintendoSwitch #SquareEnix


Now it’s a very fun game, it was perfect, but for some reason it didn’t start with fishing. Now I really got it for this reason, but I hoped to at least like the Aquarium thing, because for some reason the fishing crap is just lovable.
Here’s the thing.

The fucked up, and I did try to have an open mind, but they haven’t changed it over DLC, I rarely go for it, now and then, I am intrigued, curiosity killed the wallet. But as usual an important mechanic from before is a paid DLC and it devalues the original Game’s value. Now this Hotto stuff is cute design shit, but I do not think it’s really worth much, to some it might be. Most especially people who play very few games. If your a gamer, well I have a little left of Salt and Sanctuary and Super Neptunia, two fun amusements. Although, not this fun.
Well it was fun, then the quests from Finn came in, first request was great. I fished the whole Island he sent me after I got the fish. But then he wants an Aquarium. Now when the pot doesn’t stop halfway like he said not to (yes the pot fails alot here), the lousy full aquarium does not stop anything. Your stuck in an impasse with a unnamed programmer and team of testers you wish you could kill. Or be their second during a ceremonial suicide.
So fuck them, I’ll enjoy some fishing, but I doubt I will get the two other rods if these glitches are in the way. I have yet to try the other DLC Islands. The Superficial stuff is eh. I’ll add more if I find a reason to praise the other part of the pass. But really if you can’t get the bundle your paying too much for any of it. Unless they scream apologies from the sky and fix their crap and fire their testers for new ones, I suggest refusing to buy it if you haven’t already. If you have, well try to at least enjoy the fishing mechanics that should have been in Day 1, like all the stuff they added free recently in the last free update. Never say last, because I am thinking you may not patch this stuff up.
Part of the problem may be how rigidly authoritarian, which is my biggest problem with the whole game. Regarding rooms and optional (not really, mini medals are needed) missions/quests (oh seems the Naughty Light Count stopped at 4, I made way above the needed amount). It’s like open world, but eh, no the sand box has limited rooms, granted maybe it slows if you go crazy, but just warn that. But it can handle more than 100 rooms. Many are small anyway. Multiple food types? Oh they will require all of it for the closure they will have with the Malhallah Monstter quest. Do everything, then you can get a password to enter an Island…ahhhhh!
Weirdly I found an empty Hargon Temple, nothing was in it, not even a chest. My Goldman cleared most of it’s design stuff. Limited chests. Storage is limited but they add more stuff. Check lists on explorer Islands.
It’s almost a tedious as things like “Finish the Mote lv4” in FFRK, really? To move on with the Story? Actually that is worse.
Seems they did do right what Fantasy Life did horribly wrong although I haven’t co-opt yet, let me know if you can play with DLC users as a non-DLC user. Fantasy Life’s worst thing was preventing link ups with differing DLC habits. As did Fire Emblem Awakening with Dread Scrolls and Wedding Dresses. But as for the main game, it’s designed much better, but that may be due to writing. It is a brilliant story. Fantasy Life’s Story sucked. Learning all the casts was nice. New Leaf did more of what his does wrong, right, but that is a total apples and orange thing. Since there is no fighting. Sadly no hunting.
No matter, this DLC thing is a total fail.

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