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Play-Asia Search (crypto friendly):

Gear Club Unlimited 2: In Hindsight. #GCU2 #nintendoswitch


Okay, it is very good, up to a point. There is are a lot unreasonable, unrealistic spins, and you get put in the back after winning countless tours, makes it tedious in career mode in D1 class.
Upgrade seems crazy, it may have made more sense to sim it, like you upgrade your tech department and things like that, rather than generically setting parts.
Custom cars mean nothing but decals. In fact you don’t even get it as upgraded as the competition who gave it to you had it.
Money is pretty easy, unlock is, as long as you fail a lot in Last Man Standing exhibitions (more of tip). I actually hate this, you should maybe have a base if you move your car, but you should get X amount more per position. Not the same about for 4th as 12th.
It sometimes feels like a participation award commie racing game in it’s faults.
I hate up and down shifting, I prefer it to have a manual button set that uses all available buttons you set yourself for manual gear shift.
I think there is some software quirk causing too many spins and crash slow downs that fall uneven, but I think some fool thought it would look cooler to spin, but it’s counter productive in practical racing.

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