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Play-Asia Search (crypto friendly):

South Park Tactics: Alright, but...huh.. #SPTFBW #NintendoSwitch #Ubisoft


Basically it’s the Stick of Truth Map, with some of their houses and no open sewers. It’s good to have some consistency. Although one construction site blue box is unopened. Wendy is waiting a bug fix (for her fight with Crab People, that a Crab Person spoiled during a story fight) and a few cats and gay art are missing from completion. I did finish this and the Casa Boñita add on, as a test of over all value.

Frankly the Vamp bit was better than the main game as a whole, almost like maybe they should have linked up more small segments, not as side and dlc quests, but to make the build up to an eventually lame time travel end with….ugh…Mitch Connor.

Over all they were making the point of how prying and annoying the Social Justice jack ass made things to the poor “New Kid” trying to express “who he is” when it was “not their business.” On top of all this PC Principle must hate Hungarians, he covered the whole part of Europe but that.
Makes sense, oddly enough. I think Magyar or Hungarian is cultural micro-aggression.

Super power to be liked on Social Media, really?

Frankly a Reality summon would have been nice. Or costume.

It isn’t worth it, and I’d avoid the Season Pass, if you go with DLC it makes more sense to spend the minimal for the extra story line. Which is better all through.

Categories Switch, Console

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