I wonder, is this any different that a side scroller like double dragon. More moves, effects, although side scrolling you can see where everything crawls out of.
I think they really phoned it in, mostly, when it comes to prison cell battles,
not like the ship at all. Almost like Blackgate fights where last minute (last Bane fight though, sweet.). More I play the less the closed cell to the final joker meeting makes any sense at all. Bald Bull can even exit his cell and you won’t know till your hit. Some times. Because other times, well lets say, lacks consistency. So many of the + game battles have enemy materialization. Also, with the impact, in relation to regular, Bane should kill you with one punch. Total hamburger face kill you. Sometimes you widthstand massive flame and later a little christmas sparkler zaps you dead.
Oh here is the problem, Sonic Batarang requirements are not properly explained, it’s silent take down, it is not being unseen. It’s not being seen with out using vantage points. Still moving toward 1 AM where I will add some more to all this.