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Chance it’s a false positive, but if you use it, you may want click your name and “feedback” and ask about this “bug.”


Facebook.Messenger: [SBI $59117437] User settings (Registry key, nothing done) HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-600207326-2876860349-2893928179-1000\Software\Facebook

Facebook.Messenger: [SBI $917BFFAB] Program directory (Directory, nothing done) C:\Users\hp\AppData\Local\Facebook\

Facebook.Messenger: [SBI $DA10FC06] Program directory (Directory, nothing done) C:\Users\hp\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Facebook\

User abort!: Scan was not completed successfully. (Status)

—- Spybot – Search & Destroy version: 1.6.2 (build: 20090126) —-

Categories PC, Video Games

Your 2 Coins


It’s a game that reaches such traditions as to tell you very little of where to go and when. Slave Master is far from obvious in all things, it targets politicians to social attitudes to white slavery to gay bashing.
Sado Maso goes and talks to a King who sends him on a quest where he ends up meeting a woman on a bridge to an old hidden unholy place, to a collision with a politician seeking to something very evil. No not the game.
Some town folk are entities of dirty jokes and some have hints. Some won’t show until you finish another task.
It can still be downloaded here
Can you beat and unlock it all?
Readme file lists all the limitations and allowances.

Game: Windows PC; Not Much Space and Memory; Donateware Edition; Rate N for Not A Baby Sitter

Categories PC, donate

Your 2 Coins


Hate to bother with rumor mills, but on what is true or what is guessed a few thoughts.

The idea that two systems is great? Well say you want one system open to read miiverse, or your playing more than one game or more than one system (even with 3ds you have people with multiple 3ds, and multiple ACNLs or what have you). I don’t think one can expect the same mult-3ds purchase that you see with the NX, at least not for less than scalping on ebay.
Granted miiverse is browser too, but how often does one use that option or would even at that point? Usually it’s best to get your screen shots that you can’t get easy on the New 3ds now with the hard to get microSD.
Can’t help think they could have ran something that poosts CPU power, and adds cooling to the back of the Wii U or a cart drive or my idea could have been solicited to make it a removable HD port. Still could be wired through Wii U. Who knows. It would be nice to have a dual screen that could move around like the 3ds….sort like a more powerful dual screen Vita with TV connections But I am not sure.

If NX docking also runs a Steam Link on it, man will it destroy. It’s only down side, is like the opening time of the Wii U, it released at a fiscally bad time for customers. Course no one has to get it on day 1.

Power, who cares. Frankly the power of the Wii U was enough but 3rd parties just hated promoting their own stuff, they wanted official bundles for their stuff which only went to 1st and 2nd Party games. 3rd Parties are often terrible at letting you know they have released for the Wii U too. Slightly toned down Graphics occured on the XB too, but who cares. You still get stuck with a bad controller. I like the pad on the Wii U and many other options too. Better experience, and they actually back their hardware up with their own 1Ps. They could make Amiibo more of DLC hard copy delivery system. Anything downloaded isn’t returnable for a credit at EB or anything.

Categories NX, Console

Your 2 Coins


What is needed?
A 2 tier scoring system….
1st board should reward top 4 over all with bonus points.
2nd should count that in and decide team victory/bonus.

Pre-release calculations on how much points it is possible to gain with fully active players or various inactive ones, to catch cheats with out tireless administration.

Give 0 pts to anyone who doesn’t score 100p. Negative points to those who don’t score any. Even I passed out in start of a match, but I’d accept this to deal with all those helping their buds at the other end of team speak get an upper hand because they didn’t end up on the right side.

Best thing, make sure the friend system puts friends on the same side unless there is an over lap.

Another thought is Splat Fest. Run 16 sets of two, and after the 16th, do another 8 of Splatfest with the winners of the 16, then 8 of those go on then 4, then 2 then 1 final.

Perhaps an elimination team scenario too.

Categories Video Games, Wii U

Your 2 Coins


Apps and Social Gaming vs Console Gaming.

Take ACNL, cost me less per day than most games, generally they are an in and out, done the mission, or am redirected to the distraction, second may be
Splatoon, Watchdogs and Ghosts (Wii U) in usage; a lot of Heroes of Ruin and Link Between Worlds MK7 and 8 even FFE and bit of Bravely Default and Second. Party Hard on Steam.
But think of all of them and check of Final Fantasy Record Keeper and Exvius (good as games, latter has a better summon rate vs the artifact soul rate).

But Exvius is one of the best and Gold Tickets come in a 5000 Lapis bin, and increments of 6000 is the closest you can buy for 69.99 I think ACNL and most console games were less that or the same or within 20 bucks of it.
Console games, you also own, in fairness I play mostly DLC free console games, either free DLC or none. ACNL is an awesome case too, they are still supporting it with an added feature of Amiibo use later. But you see a social game calling it “X amount, worth Y amount” and how so? Who values it?
Who owns anything on their, there is no save file even in your control.
Never had an over heated 3ds either.

Point remains spending on console games and to a lesser extent PC on Steam is worth more than spending on cel phone and social currency. Hell, offline/console games don’t even end until you decide you won’t play it any more. Online parts tend to go on as long as there is interest. Devil’s Third is the only I recall losing the online due to lack of interest.

Categories ACNL, Console

Your 2 Coins


Sounds like a score, but despite the idea of syncing attack bonuses with beats in the battle music, it would be a lovely game, maybe as a 3-in-One the first two with no adjustment. Adding street pass application even. The idea of the tap to the music battle bonus is foolish, the most common glitches before and after auto save have been audio related, no digital sound is perfect and records scratch. But the idea of another game employing this Dragon Warrior (Quest now in NA too) 4 method of heroes meeting again is a wonderful thought. It’s an engrossing series. Wonderfully consistent too.

Categories 3DS, Wii U

Your 2 Coins


Mighty No. 9 is filled with a bit of wimzy, slightly long (in the too side of things) stages that remind you why Nintendo’s Mario has World 1-1 and so on. Shrill Electro Queens and challenging Bosses. Possibly without sense in cases.
Dash for ever and never lose footing, unless you land on ice or gravity wakes you up.
It has a good premise, but voices are either bad or used too often, except with Bat or Mighty No 8 who seeks the President’s office for malfunctioning Robots all over.

So in a quick wrap up:
-Stages are too long.
-There are bugs that twist battles against you. Knowing the error is your hurdle. Usually I am too furious at bugs to narrow it down. Frankly, it isn’t my job. – Some bugs have system freezing, like most modern games (often due to audio, junk code, or auto save issues). – No 6. voices (not talent) are picked badly, and even know as Vicky it may sound fine to see her say many millions of things at Timmy Turner, but as the shocker it’s
an annoying repeat of the same phrases. Bat and No 8’s voice works, but it’s the
Blaz Blue Samurai Bot essentially. – Boost heals, lost at death with lives remaining. – Scores are reset at death, not at “continue” or “repeat” Well depleted. – Boss kill moves are better at start, than near the end, any 1 hit kill is best near the start if your going to have a progression, every hit taken would boost defense and drop attack strength. – Mostly for Speed Runners. Too much Dash ability. – Rapid Button/Stick Movement release thing with Bosses rarely work. – There is a bit of a Playdoe look too cartoonish art when put ran through an Unreal Engine. Street Fighter V has the same issue.

Pluses: – Cost – Premise – Use of Dash Ability to Collect Robot Data (Best Idea). – Bosses themselves are well designed and interesting, although Pyro’s Instant Kill is at a point where he is weakened. I call it that because it’s rapid button push and and stick movement thing rarely work. – It was late which suggests, despite apology goodies, it may be a lot better than it was months ago, or it’s like redrawing something perfect 100 times and having something worse. Hard to say, I am likely to think the earlier. – Available on all consoles. Even all PC OS’ even Linux. No favorites, so they favor all sorts of customers. – Characters beaten (Bosses) integrate in other levels, join the battle. Countershade vs Avy, Bat vs the Mines.

Categories Wii U, Steam

Your 2 Coins


First in mind, with all the hints of Bravely Second (sorry if you haven’t gotten to Yoko yet), suggest it might be Bravely Plane, Bravely Warden or Warded perhaps Bravely Cunning (sword). All thoughts of my own. I imagine this could reach a sort of Chrono Trigger End of Time Scenario, End of Time as a sub title perhaps, but it would need to be a subtitle than could be another thing, I am not sure why Send Player was what they ended up with, Airy Lies was better. Perhaps I missed something, granted Sending A Player summon is part of it.
Bravely Second is a very good game, with a wrap up as good as Super Metroid’s, perhaps better, you can play it without playing the first one. It has a lot of touching story aspects with out being so sucky as to leave everyone alive. A unusual Father/Son tale that is just lovely woven into an evil plot. Establishes as much reasoning and debate as there is use of brute force.
Forgiveness for a better world and dead sociopaths, and in an Asimovian principle where the quest is more important than the result, what some say is an unimpressive Boss, isn’t important, but the impressive quest is. It would be nice to know if they sold enough for Bravely Dim, or what ever, to be released.

Categories 3DS, Console

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