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Weather it’s Ooblets, Shenmue, or anything in the future or some past items that never even got made, the worst problem is, this is not treated like a scam, it’s not just said, flat out, FRAUD!!!!!!
I likely wasn’t going to play at least one of those, I have Steam and a Nintendo Console usually. As a preference. Steam is too good to care about a competitor.
But this is rather irrelevant.
It’s fraud, a scam, total bullshit. They make assurances for a donation against their red ink. So they don’t have to risk capital. People have fair expectations to get a specific thing out of it. So they offer it up. It’s not like they get something already like commentary they enjoy, or a game already on the market as donatewear.
The idea that no one gets charged with a crime here, that is a huge problem. That is the supreme harm.
Fraud (if all alleged is true and proven in court) is a serious crime and problem.
This even falls under libertarian trifecta. Force, Theft and Fraud.
I really hope there are legal complaints made and they are taken seriously, I hope to hear about them. When a group of people are abusing individuals, it is evil, plain and simple.
The fact Epic Games doesn’t care about fraud shows where they are at, and what they support.

Categories PC, Video Games

Your 2 Coins


Now it’s a very fun game, it was perfect, but for some reason it didn’t start with fishing. Now I really got it for this reason, but I hoped to at least like the Aquarium thing, because for some reason the fishing crap is just lovable.
Here’s the thing.

The fucked up, and I did try to have an open mind, but they haven’t changed it over DLC, I rarely go for it, now and then, I am intrigued, curiosity killed the wallet. But as usual an important mechanic from before is a paid DLC and it devalues the original Game’s value. Now this Hotto stuff is cute design shit, but I do not think it’s really worth much, to some it might be. Most especially people who play very few games. If your a gamer, well I have a little left of Salt and Sanctuary and Super Neptunia, two fun amusements. Although, not this fun.
Well it was fun, then the quests from Finn came in, first request was great. I fished the whole Island he sent me after I got the fish. But then he wants an Aquarium. Now when the pot doesn’t stop halfway like he said not to (yes the pot fails alot here), the lousy full aquarium does not stop anything. Your stuck in an impasse with a unnamed programmer and team of testers you wish you could kill. Or be their second during a ceremonial suicide.
So fuck them, I’ll enjoy some fishing, but I doubt I will get the two other rods if these glitches are in the way. I have yet to try the other DLC Islands. The Superficial stuff is eh. I’ll add more if I find a reason to praise the other part of the pass. But really if you can’t get the bundle your paying too much for any of it. Unless they scream apologies from the sky and fix their crap and fire their testers for new ones, I suggest refusing to buy it if you haven’t already. If you have, well try to at least enjoy the fishing mechanics that should have been in Day 1, like all the stuff they added free recently in the last free update. Never say last, because I am thinking you may not patch this stuff up.
Part of the problem may be how rigidly authoritarian, which is my biggest problem with the whole game. Regarding rooms and optional (not really, mini medals are needed) missions/quests (oh seems the Naughty Light Count stopped at 4, I made way above the needed amount). It’s like open world, but eh, no the sand box has limited rooms, granted maybe it slows if you go crazy, but just warn that. But it can handle more than 100 rooms. Many are small anyway. Multiple food types? Oh they will require all of it for the closure they will have with the Malhallah Monstter quest. Do everything, then you can get a password to enter an Island…ahhhhh!
Weirdly I found an empty Hargon Temple, nothing was in it, not even a chest. My Goldman cleared most of it’s design stuff. Limited chests. Storage is limited but they add more stuff. Check lists on explorer Islands.
It’s almost a tedious as things like “Finish the Mote lv4” in FFRK, really? To move on with the Story? Actually that is worse.
Seems they did do right what Fantasy Life did horribly wrong although I haven’t co-opt yet, let me know if you can play with DLC users as a non-DLC user. Fantasy Life’s worst thing was preventing link ups with differing DLC habits. As did Fire Emblem Awakening with Dread Scrolls and Wedding Dresses. But as for the main game, it’s designed much better, but that may be due to writing. It is a brilliant story. Fantasy Life’s Story sucked. Learning all the casts was nice. New Leaf did more of what his does wrong, right, but that is a total apples and orange thing. Since there is no fighting. Sadly no hunting.
No matter, this DLC thing is a total fail.

Categories Console, Switch

Your 2 Coins


Whether a phalanx (Socialist/Soil Party) Libertarian or a non-Commune Libertarian, you can appreciate Animal Crossing New Leaf, as the most Libertarian game and without any preaching. Much like Tales of Vesparia, although occasionally it preaches through the main protagonist a little.

But through actions you know the game.
Your a new Villager and your there because there is no one else willing to be the Mayor, they need to affirm someone who checked the Classified in God-knows-where. You have nearly no authority, you have 1 ordinance to pick from, you get no salary, you have to shake trees and sell fruit to pay off an interest free loan. The Capitalists are cool here, aside from the Fascinista atop the store. Brand bullies will happen.
You can put down public works projects, but it’s voluntary donation, no taxation. Take that Sim City.
Everyone is free to trade, and speak. The own their property, and okay some times make minor easements on the Mayor’s House. But yeah, speak. You’ll notice there is no safe space, there is something you or another Animal says to another Animal that will make them dance, have no major reaction to, or make them gloomy til the clock strikes. No one has a right not to be offended. But it’s all civil and non-violent.
No aggression. In fact some want to leave to wage a turf war.
Oh yeah they are free to leave, all be it easy to argue against the idea. After all why leave such freedom?
It has a old school Comedian, okay bad one, but he runs a night club, KK does his shows, no one is kicking him out for an offensive song.
Shampoodle is a strong business woman, but doesn’t talk about being one. As are the Hedgehog Sisters. Politics isn’t important earning those bells are.
In a sense your town is Trakken before the Master lands and your the Keeper. A crude comparison, but close.
A great classic Liberal world.
You have a border guarded, sure, but you can open it up and bring in foreign villagers and trade or give freely to them as visitors or as a visitor. Endless options for voluntary interaction. No adhoms anywhere. Unless you find the odd bad actor visit you.
Largely I have been fortunate, aside from one annoying kids from Australia.
Only weird thing is Katy traveling, I mean really where is this kids mother? At least a free society is likely a place where pedos are banished or locked away under ground. The cop doesn’t do much about flower theft, so who knows.
Utopian aspect of liberty, and the great escape in games, is this doesn’t exist or is punished severely.

I met a lot of people doing this through other people who oddly enough played Heroes of Ruin with. Most of the people were very good visitors. Although heard some stories, but you always remember the broken flower beads and stolen ones.
But you can remove them. Although I wonder if the Mayor changed his toon on liberty, seems he was banished from to an Island. Hope he didn’t touch Katie. But if you ever want to know what liberty is, play that game. Granted it’s probably purer than anything we will ever see in real life. But we can dream. Now you might say “see they are political,” but no it’s more a subconscious thing, likely, how someone naturally came to untainted by anything woke. It didn’t need to be preachy and didn’t need spell it out in words. It didn’t even have to tell you who to vote for, see above, I won fair and square. Even resetti, if you say “I don’t know” to him will lay off because he can’t prove it and Kapp’n ain’t getting #Metoo complaints, because he’s just a funny turtle.

Categories ACNL, 3DS

Your 2 Coins


Now it’s not to say, Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don’t Die, is preachy, it isn’t. You just see shit you see all day, and for decades even.
It’s assentialy a dystopian e-dating satire with references from everything from chemtrails, scandalous reporters to deplatforming. It’s no prudish preachy story, which usually are two items to go together.
But it’s a guy going through the story on a Social App, who they don’t want popular, becoming popular. They try having him arrested, even know he doesn’t terribly bother people, despite an artifact of the 80s.

Other jokes are the classic “look the boss is watching” workstation (hit ZL) and also drops the name of it’s creator at Sierra and his #2 when he gets jailed. Larry would be called a toxic male, but he’s a non-Prudish, even if crass, male who doesn’t play endless blame games. He’s just grateful he’s somewhat understood even at the worst of his persecution by the Social Media platform he is unaware as doing it.
It also shows a frightening concept in regards to privacy, that people all over, for their libidinous desires, are being tracked and publicly rated as lovers by a sort of dating yelp.
Also a huge remark of the Cult of….well that’s obvious, I mean the size of that D….tower.
It has a metaphoric cleverness, as well as a puzzle cleverness. As a lover of past Leisure Suit Larry’s, including that sheet of paper telling me there will not be a 4, I loved it.
Now it’s possible you might find a physical copy from Europe in Play Asia or Amazon as an import (voices aren’t limey’d up) like I did. But it’s more than likely it will end up a EStore Download or Steam Store Download.
Just remember, your most important tool is a quarter. Your Screwed without it.

Also availlable on PS4.

Categories Switch, Steam

Your 2 Coins


Ever wonder why Nintendo games just come out working when most 3rd Party triple A games have you shouting at the screen in agony over the endless glitches and hiccups and yes hours of first day download patches that don’t seem to fix that?
Reading this ACNH article helps. The philosophy of not, and they do this without Government intervention. Just offer a cooler contract, going day and night and basically putting the employee, half asleep testing and coding the games.
Yes Animal Crossing New Horizons sounds exciting to have, even know there is a lot now to enjoy on the Switch, but really, it’s lot better if there isn’t a lot of irritating glitches from terrible release date timing.

Categories ACNL, Switch

Your 2 Coins


Well I just went off the darkness of Salt and Sanctuary for the moment and flipped a switch essentially to something cutesy and shockingly brilliant.
It’s a game that starts with a angelic figure and a shadow repeating sink, sink, sink…with friends and they all have Care Bear names for some fucking reason.
But eventually you wake up to a dark masked individual checking out even houses registered as empty, he’s taking taxes. What are taxed? Game cartridges.

It seems to be a 2D Game fanatic’s world in one way, but what is really showing to be the evil is attack on physical game ownership, so if you really want to feel right about having this game, a physical copy it is.

Eventually you’ll find 4 amnesiacs, well 3 besides yourself, Neptunia. Who move on a journey mocking all sorts of game tropes like a clean Slave Master.

Don’t worry won’t name them. You’ll meat a Chromia, not one of the other 3. A mysterious girl who warns you and is being hunted by this Bobyx Mori which is a kind of Silk Worm that likes Mulberry. No idea why this name is used. Nortmally I like to do the whole thing, but I will follow through with more if it gets bad enough to send me in a rage. Oh you’ll get to summon a friendly flan, so don’t get impatient with jumps. Also a good idea to hold on to ores and crystals, because if you got the wrong elemental move your screwed without them.

It’s not high on difficulty, except maybe when it’s knowing where to go, very old school. But it’s fun, engaging, and funny. Not secretly taped Louis CK funny, but funny.

Most especially funny, no one seems to have any tech to make a fucking game or play it in this world.

Categories Switch, Console

Your 2 Coins


Now as I appreciate him finally cutting actual cartoon flesh. It was horrendous to end it that way.
This newest and final season starts with him stuck in his age in fifty years, fine.
A cult of chicks for Aku go after him, okay. Who hasn’t had a tyrant’s women chase down your toxic masculine ways. Kind of like Enter the Dragon’s thing, “They are my daughters.”
Yes your wondering, “You just saw this?” It’s Canada, Adult Swim takes a while to update.
Anyway back to the way it ends. Or gets to it.
The Scotsman is a Ghost, Jack’s got one of his hunter’s to change his mind, oh the Huntress is discovered as Aku’s Daughter.
Eventually they run across many as he doubts himself, he gets his Sword, Aku gets to his daughter, he is over come, because well he got a hard on for the chick. So loses his Sword, gets through to her with the three words, “I love you.” It gets worse as they end up cramming every fucking character into it.
She recovers, knows she has all his powers, he is in love with the portal he always wanted, oh I guess the Morpheus Parody isn’t needed then, so they are in the past Jack destroys Aku.
A wedding with the chick, the chick vanishes. Makes sense, but here’s the thing, and the biggest failing in time travel stories all over. Everything that happened to him in his time line in the future was ended, and with Aku.
A sort of Garland Paradox without the 4 Elemental Orbs and without any warrior of light paradigms, of course the perp in that time paradox was Garland, they chased him back.
Actually in a sense, in some way, Garland had to survive in some scenario as well (cough…FF9).
Anyway, the big failure is not understand the paradox of meddling your own time line. Basically nothing ends ever.
If you went back in time, killed Hitler, while he painted a house, well the motivation to build the time machine never happened, then Hitler is still alive because you never went, then someone wants to build and use a time machine for this reason.
Say hi to the Morlocks.

Categories Adult Swim, Classics

Your 2 Coins


On pitch it doesn’t even look impressive, especially since I am one person glad I hadn’t heard about Destiny in years. Christ when I read Kotaku’s BS, this was one of things they were obviously paid to over report on. Ahhhhhh!
That and Overwatch. Oh God I hated hearing those names after a while.
Stadia, which gets it’s name from a sort of Sniper Technique, measuring distances with a telescopic instrument, or perhaps a Papparazi Camera. Or maybe they thought it would sound like “Stadium.” Yeah, not clear branding Google/Alphabet.
This is being pushed by a business that just looked like it went on it’s knees and kissed the Vox Ring of Maza and demonetized voices and banned others. So I doubt you’ll get PewdiePie or any other big Gamer to webcast this.
Really Stupid, you bit the hand that would feed Stadia, all you have are e-Zines with Trouble like Kotaku to maybe check it out, because the Woke like Maza think you didn’t do enough.
Now back to the Stadia, aside from it being part of mass censorship. Like the Xbox is can be tied to the laughable Russiagate Collusion nonsense (MS in MSNBC is Microsoft), but still Bing has a more respectable search than Google.
Alphabet has thrusted a Game Machine, well that’s really a Chromeclouded “you don’t own any games” and “not even by download” play and it’s about less than a 100 bucks less costly than a Switch plus a 11/mo in Pro service.
Also, Nintendo has gotten cooler about Webcasting. Google clearly not.
Nintendo has a ban on mixing political messages with fun, Google is a fascistic political message now.
I recommend Steam and a Nintendo Switch. Steam you can fall on for anything major you can’t get on the Switch, or minor. Although Nindies have gotten so great, well Steam is needed for less. But Slave Master is there, now at a lower price.
See Steam rarely ever bans anything or anyone. You have to be into total fraud for that. Nintendo as well.
So yeah, fuck Stadia. You’ll save 169 for a piece of crap they might ban you off if they find a video of your opinions one day. After collecting all that money.
If your bent on spending 169 on something, I take donations.

Stadia Website
The Quartering Being Way Too Nice

Categories PC, Video Games

Your 2 Coins


Not sure the point yet. But Salt and Sanctuary is a fun game. It’s also very pretty and functions rather well. It’s got no major or obvious narrative, but some awesome Boses popping up here and there.

Some style similar to the Blind Prince and the Liar Princess. But nothing so heart warming.
I highly recommend playing it though. You have a nameless character, who goes about finding Sanctuaries, Salt for Leveling, and Gold for stuff.
It’s like Adventure of Link mixed with Metroid’s Mapping and got an artsy look.
The Salt Factor is a little annoying, but it’s challenge as any. It’s got a decent old school Engine Structure.
Oh and when I bought it, an actual booklet. A real physical booklet.

Categories Switch, Console

Your 2 Coins


It’s funny in this, the poorer story, although not terrible, Aveline’s Liberation, was Structurally Better. Also had none of that Future shit, that was nice.
I hate the Desmond Crap, not as bad as the office guy shit in 4.
But yeah the Vita version, it moved more smoothly, usual irritation was when there was a race with a Sailor. Such timed events are hindered by all Ubisoft engines I know of.
Hell there was the Call Girl Glitch in South Park. But they fixed it after a while. After the game spoiled the intro of Crab People in Battles.
King Washington, I refused to buy this on Wii U. I hate DLC, generally refuse it, usually regret not refusing it. But this was good, in writing, but still had the structural weakess with running and all that.
It was a good play into the mind of a man who would be asked to be King, and how he might come to this answer. It was rather nice having this there.
I find the History Era (I am a US Constitution guy, love this time) a favorite, and their history, I perused it, well it’s better than you’d find in your state school books.
So it’s worth it if you enjoy the era.
Would you want it? Well if you like the era, of the American Revolution, that led to the US founding. Then yes. If your a red coat at hard, no.
If your not good at finding ways around glitches like the horse factor, sacrificing side objectives, then you may hate it even there.
Aveline is a nice tale, I’d have thought they’d add something to it from the Vita version, but then they might have added glitches as well, so it’s solid and an interesting twist. These are diversity done well.
It’s on Switch, and likely a few other platforms. The best version, in structure, oddly enough was the Wii U.

Oh, there were no Slave Auctions in New England.

Categories Console, Switch

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