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Play-Asia Search (crypto friendly):

Fantasy Life Pre-Order: Cancelled...


Finding out on Kotaku via their FB Page, that Fantasy Life is going to have day one DLC, bad enough I found out from Nintendo, but I hate DLC, why should I pay about 44 bucks for part of the game and then a few more for the rest. Call it extra all one wants, the information on why they have it, what it is, and if it enhances the game is it worth having the game? If it doesn’t enhance the game, why do they sell it or why buy it?
You can’t take downloads to EB for a credit either, later. So even less value.
Amiibo, yes likely will have an EB credit value at least. If you have an ID in some areas where they think it’s a pawn business, like Vancouver.
Fact these is not asked usually explains politics since the consumer’s tolerance for zero informed consent to too little. Always remember minimal information and slight of hand is marketing. Even the best corporations have dirty little marketing depts.
Up side is Nintendo people seem the least gullible.

Paypay, if you want reviews and views to be more affordable.
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golokb at golokzbuday.com

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