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Play-Asia Search (crypto friendly):

The Cruel King And The Great Game


The people who brought you the game that made me a pussy for a day, The Blind Prince And The Lying Princess have brought another lovely story, The Cruel King And The Great Hero to the Nintendo Switch, and some things way over powered for this.

There are just as many charming events in this, perhaps more if you take the time reading the side quests, but this one didn’t break me down emotionally like the last game.
It follows a kind young girl being raised by a rough old Dragon who’s courageous defeat at by Hero left him with at the mercy of a hero. This mercy was given, when passed, the dragon took on raising the Girl for him, and because of her desire to be a Hero like her Father, the Dragon was happy to see her to this dream, and not without it’s twists, even when you figure it’s over, no.

Basic turn based battles, up to 2 companions, some needed specifically for side quests. They each may have up to two.
There a few skills to gain, battles, and lots of trinkets. The game is not without it’s strategy and it’s actually possible to wander into parts way over your levels, although you can gain experience pretty well if you don’t run ever.
Side quests release concept art galleries with awarded stars.
Plenty of well illustrated areas to visit.
It crashed on me twice, and some of the scene transitions are slow at times.
A solid game worth playing at any age if it’s not baby sitting anyone. Seriously do not use TVs and Games to baby sit kids.

Categories Switch, Video Games

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