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Play-Asia Search (crypto friendly):

DLC: Did you buy 100% of the game? (ACIV:BF)


Realize when you added a new story element, you claimed the game was incomplete or defective, one can argue to death about bugs, but this means the whole game’s story wasn’t on the disk. Forget it not being on my system. It’s not like a twisted story line (King Washington) or added skins which is dubious enough. Or unlocked rewards.
Question is within 90 days you can technically return this as a result. Actually that Captain Kidd stuff in III may compare a little. The day you called it a chapter of the story it sort of became like that.
Now I may be devious in thinking and pointing this out but I am not litigious at least. I’m not. Tell you the truth was a bit relieved when I saw no DLC in the eShop but then again it is a story chapter attached to site missions. I suppose there are some multi-player screws too. Basically you go out and sold an incomplete game before, exposing this before the 90 days of most are likely over. Although you can get through it before that. Trust me, other companies will here me about this too. I come from a time where a game would go 20-50 hrs and be complete, granted before internet activity. Course usually a Final Fantasy and now those stink and males are super girly. Not sure why this is done oddly enough anticipation for a new sequel could be a nut buster with no time and no extra download to go through while you wait. Not that it isn’t fun slashing away for the hell of it. Ransacking Cuba fleeting Hunter Man of Wars. Maybe you under state your own games value without thinking about it. But I don’t know 50ish for an incomplete game. Maybe shed some bureaucracy and finish it by release date. Or charge 20 and then DLC seems reasonable as long as it’s not too much.

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