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Dragon Quest 11: Shit It's Huge. #DQXI #DragonQuestXI #NintendoSwitch


Now this is the best one since 4, and even has a similar efforts after a major Kefka like event. Where Characters do end up in their own side stories. They even point to it with Erik.
My Objections are largely the British area voices, mostly when they show up in Hoto or what almost seems like a joke on Dr Strange on Mt Pang where the Shao Lin types have a accents exotic, but the Lama has a low class British one. Also happens in Hoto, which is oddly enough where they have an exotic syntax with half assed Haiku talk and bring in limey sisters who talk low class English.
Guttersnipe English. Rain in Spain spell wasn’t there to help.
It’s structurally awesome even in 3d mode, which is too big, if you look at the scale of 2d. In the sense, it takes too much time, bridges are too wide. Things like that. 2d takes at least a third of the time to finish things, and has a less restricted map. Although random attacks, which I like and show more challenge.
2d makes the 3d look like a Tutorial. It’s amazing how much of the DQ charm remains in a 3d world. Something largely failed in Final Fantasy since FF7, sort brought back in IX alone.
But man is it big, there was an update today, and am not even sure what it did.
A very lovely story. Usual aspects like the mini medals and World Tree stuff.
3d adds something from Radiant Hystoria, for pre-empting attacks. Although doesn’t stop them.
It’s a lot of fun, and it’s like playing two versions, I have been doing that at once to compare time.
So nice to have a complete game. No glitches spotted.
Best voice are Erik, Rab, and the main Villain.
Best part is the lack of long cinematic cut scenes, although I’d say still too many, but at least you play more than watch


I’ll add to it, if there is more reason, it’s really huge.

Dragon Quest XI DE S at Play Asia (Takes Crypto)

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