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The Bad Habit Of Epic Scams. #Ooblets #Shenmue3 #Sega #EpicGames #RoMMS #Patreon


Weather it’s Ooblets, Shenmue, or anything in the future or some past items that never even got made, the worst problem is, this is not treated like a scam, it’s not just said, flat out, FRAUD!!!!!!
I likely wasn’t going to play at least one of those, I have Steam and a Nintendo Console usually. As a preference. Steam is too good to care about a competitor.
But this is rather irrelevant.
It’s fraud, a scam, total bullshit. They make assurances for a donation against their red ink. So they don’t have to risk capital. People have fair expectations to get a specific thing out of it. So they offer it up. It’s not like they get something already like commentary they enjoy, or a game already on the market as donatewear.
The idea that no one gets charged with a crime here, that is a huge problem. That is the supreme harm.
Fraud (if all alleged is true and proven in court) is a serious crime and problem.
This even falls under libertarian trifecta. Force, Theft and Fraud.
I really hope there are legal complaints made and they are taken seriously, I hope to hear about them. When a group of people are abusing individuals, it is evil, plain and simple.
The fact Epic Games doesn’t care about fraud shows where they are at, and what they support.

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