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AC3 Remastered: Needs Fumigation Still. @Ubisoft #NintendoSwitch #AC3R ACIIIR


Maybe it has something to do with the pro controller, but lets start with the analog sticks, well the 360 camera on the R stick, not always responsive, especially post fight.
L stick, it well has trouble with consistent movement, like running. Take the NY tease and run game to help the kids out. Dealing with shakedowns. Well he stops a bit, and oddly enough will pose to fight despite the nature of this event.
It’s irritating, still have the “stuck in the asset” situations, lucky for fast travel.
Really when you “Remaster,” how do the bugs survive?
I am shocked they didn’t bring Cormack into it at all, as well. At least haven’t seen it yet.
I find it funny I can start Arnold Mission, before finishing the Washington event.
Structurally I remember it run better on the Wii U Controllers, than the Switch Pro Controller.
It’s still fun when those very irritating bugs don’t occur, these guys usually over free run in all the games since Enzio was done.

Categories Switch, Wii U

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