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Play-Asia Search (crypto friendly):

Arkham: Origins.


I pre-ordered it in excitement since Armored Edition was long beaten but still played, even it having it’s problems. May 25th 2013. I regretted it only a little when I got to + game and found I didn’t start with all the equipment like in Arkham City. But am playing through (see update) hoping to reach the unlocking aftermath “After 1AM.”
The testers largely have a lot to blame for a glitch or two and wish it capable of the company in charge to stabilize with an update, hope After 1AM doesn’t have Harley glitches. Those never went fixed.

The glitches in vital spots, really needed spots. Freezing where no one should miss when testing. You can’t play not hit those ledges.
Some battle issues too, tighter spots have there faults with analog stick direction.
Then there is the Sonic Batarang issue. Silent Predator says “is not seen” not sneak up and knock out. Either a fault in description or (actually I did it with and without tools without rank award).

I’ll update with more reviewing as I move forward to After 1AM.

Categories Wii U, Console

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