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Play-Asia Search (crypto friendly):

#Miitopia: Now Sort of a...trailer maker [jp] #Nintendo #Mii #3ds


So imagine you had a game, and well it’s about you and friend Miis (Mine showcased are Myself (BlkDokeshi), Kakes, Cathy, and Hector vs Gagarin (his ACNL Mayor name, seemed perfect for a villain).

So in this current state, or promo/demo product in Japanese 3ds. You learn about something called Miitopia coming in December, a sort of RPG-ish thing with Miis. You learn about it…well…by making 2 types of cliche trailers. One is all action, one is the “character intro” type.

I’ll have more pics on the FB Page. It looks fascinating, the eventual product I think may be like 5000 Yen in current currency rates. It seems likely they took the creepy out of Miitomo and Tomodachi Life.

Categories 3DS, Console

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