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Play-Asia Search (crypto friendly):

Will They Steal 3rd: Bravely.


First in mind, with all the hints of Bravely Second (sorry if you haven’t gotten to Yoko yet), suggest it might be Bravely Plane, Bravely Warden or Warded perhaps Bravely Cunning (sword). All thoughts of my own. I imagine this could reach a sort of Chrono Trigger End of Time Scenario, End of Time as a sub title perhaps, but it would need to be a subtitle than could be another thing, I am not sure why Send Player was what they ended up with, Airy Lies was better. Perhaps I missed something, granted Sending A Player summon is part of it.
Bravely Second is a very good game, with a wrap up as good as Super Metroid’s, perhaps better, you can play it without playing the first one. It has a lot of touching story aspects with out being so sucky as to leave everyone alive. A unusual Father/Son tale that is just lovely woven into an evil plot. Establishes as much reasoning and debate as there is use of brute force.
Forgiveness for a better world and dead sociopaths, and in an Asimovian principle where the quest is more important than the result, what some say is an unimpressive Boss, isn’t important, but the impressive quest is. It would be nice to know if they sold enough for Bravely Dim, or what ever, to be released.

Categories 3DS, Console

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