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Assasin’s Creed Rogue is a game where your protagonist starts the “American Rite” a Scottish Rite based I suppose actually Presbyteerian/Templar associations that origionated the KKK. The KKK wear the same sheets the Scottish Rite did, just not black ones. Well the standard ranks.
Now Ubisoft isn’t racist, it’s not preaching any angle. But Kotaku and Destructoid and all those other lefty e-zines bloggers make more issues of less historical or preasant reality.

Some articles (use Ghostery to avoid ad supporting them, if you rather not).

Four things I loved about playing Assassin’s Creed: Rogue
Review: Assassin’s Creed Rogue
Assassin’s Creed Rogue: The Kotaku Review
Assassin’s Creed Rogue is Actually Pretty Different
How To Know Whether To Play Assassin’s Creed Rogue Remastered
Assassin’s Creed Rogue: The Kotaku Review

Now, I like the game, as a whole. It ties a few things together, and I rather like the Kenway Saga. I hate the modern office shit, but whatever. It’s a small part of most of them. I include the side lined Liberation and more so the Avaline side to 3. Could have given that character more justice.
Syndicate goes as under rated, as well, as compared to over rating Unity.
So this is an hit peace on the Gaming Press, for only making “political” chatter and bitching when it suits them.
When it said “Founder of the American Rite” I was like, “oh—-kay, what ever, good game, he turned into an asshole.”

*I get nothing from Ghostery, however, I benefit from the Play-Asia links.

Categories Switch, Video Games

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Dragon Quest 11 is brilliant, great. But really as a remake of DQ 3, which became more obvious when playing DQ 3 afterward.
Baramos and Zoma were cooler looking two phase Boss’. Also the lack of time paradox, much better.
The Title of Erdrick, that was done better in 11.
Also the fact that the characters didn’t come out of a guild office. They all joined together in story.
As for 3, lack of Crafting and Skill Tree BS is always nice as well.

Categories Switch, Console

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