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So finally got a physical copy of Chocobo GP for the Nintendo Switch, and well who knew it was so mobile in the micro-pay Mythril, Daily Missions (online) and reward factor.
Although it has an amusing story with confusing success standards in the races that don’t hold much consistency. Sometimes you just have to do better than the enemy, sometimes you must win, even know your a whole huge race team vs one enemy.
It’s pretty funny in a simple way.

The Online racing is actually the one place it’s better than Mario Kart, the place it lowballs is the earning of car adjustments, and really if you put GP in the name make it more than 3 laps, no car damage, and no pit crews. Also make it a full course scoring, not just the Mario Kart type cups.
Actually not sure why the story doesn’t follow a point score scenario. Especially with multi-form boss situations.

The controls aren’t great, especially for drift, and most spell/magicite are like blue shells at Lv 2 or more and happen alot, more so in Story Mode.

Categories Switch, Console

Your 2 Coins


The Tokyo RPG Factory releases another game with a depressing mood that causes my hippocampus to give out.
Granted there is some rare humor in Oni Naki but it’s rare, it’s like a upbeat Sweedish Suicide Film Festival.
It also establishes a time paradox, I am not terribly fond of those factors.
Similar monsters to I Am Setsuna, except, no Chrono Trigger style battles, but Action RPG type fights. Oddly enough this gets right what a lot of Xenoblade 2 got wrong. All these Blade like Daemons that aide you and basically operate as your weapon-partner, are discovered enroute through your story in night mode or via a lost member of your Watcher community.
Watchers are the characters there to see that the dead stuck on the plane get sent all the way to the other side.
Despite the story events and Daemon Speeches that can go on and be a bit down in tone, most of it is very decent battling and fights, be aware, it’s a dodge and attack sort of this, not a lot of defense.
The best Daemon to look out for uses chains.
It’s a very stable game on the Nintendo Switch, haven’t tried other ports.

Categories Switch, Video Games

Your 2 Coins


The people who brought you the game that made me a pussy for a day, The Blind Prince And The Lying Princess have brought another lovely story, The Cruel King And The Great Hero to the Nintendo Switch, and some things way over powered for this.

There are just as many charming events in this, perhaps more if you take the time reading the side quests, but this one didn’t break me down emotionally like the last game.
It follows a kind young girl being raised by a rough old Dragon who’s courageous defeat at by Hero left him with at the mercy of a hero. This mercy was given, when passed, the dragon took on raising the Girl for him, and because of her desire to be a Hero like her Father, the Dragon was happy to see her to this dream, and not without it’s twists, even when you figure it’s over, no.

Basic turn based battles, up to 2 companions, some needed specifically for side quests. They each may have up to two.
There a few skills to gain, battles, and lots of trinkets. The game is not without it’s strategy and it’s actually possible to wander into parts way over your levels, although you can gain experience pretty well if you don’t run ever.
Side quests release concept art galleries with awarded stars.
Plenty of well illustrated areas to visit.
It crashed on me twice, and some of the scene transitions are slow at times.
A solid game worth playing at any age if it’s not baby sitting anyone. Seriously do not use TVs and Games to baby sit kids.

Categories Switch, Video Games

Your 2 Coins


It occurred to me the weak point with nodes, decentralization and general self hosting is the lack of time to get software and hardware together and make it work.
In essence the “IT Crowd,” had a point calling a small box “the internet.”
Think Gaming consoles, you have one at home, generally you serve the games from your console and and download necessary updates, well they wouldn’t have been before the internet, but I digress.
So if Gab or Orbys et al… built a box, with a profile served on it that could serve all your posts and also manifest them on the groups and feed from that box, or miniserver and even make it possible to have an assigned domain, it would be amazing.
Hell, even hosting one’s self if a server that works like a host with ftp connections, FFMPEG, SQL types, Control Panel (possibly of choice), etc… you could host your own sites like this on it and just buy it once. Maybe your paying a small annual subscription for it (firmware/cpanel updates), but as for hardware, short of maybe desiring the latest processor and ram types you’ll always be good to go.
Difficulty is often knowing the best way to rig up your servers and time for it even more so.
Also, what might be needed is like stuff you can upgrade like removing and changing old games cartridges, could use that even with lap tops, come to think of it.
Use this idea, send me 5% of all sales. Consider it leased on your honor. Contact


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If you value anything it’s done in
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Sites: HuffingluePost.com, TheBlackJester.com, BlackJesterMatters.com, SorryUFeelThatWay.com,GoLiberty.org to name a few.


Your 2 Coins


Commentary: New Demo, Triangle Strategy

My two objections.
Fatuous, Long Winded.
Terrible Font (if your not staring at the screen)..

These still remain, through Chapter 1, and 1 battle and endless script read out.
Chapter 2, hours and not one battle, but a walk through a town.
Same usual problem from the Bravely people, thin type face, but usually they fix it with BD or OT early on.
It’s absolutely lovely to look at, decent voice acting. Shit, I like to read RPGs, at least read along.
The strategy system is great, enthralling, in this demo, when you can get to a battle. However there is a lot of
endless, sure well written to a point, chatter.
It’s the difference when there isn’t a quest driven Tactical RPG, there will be lots of chatter as you replace a
fictitious history, limited action. With a Quest driven game, you can be sure to make your progress trigger
more important dialogue.

It’s a pretty terrible name, all the same.

Categories Switch, Console

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