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For some reason it’s hard to shake the YoWorld app. on Facebook. Massive convoluted villages in your own World setting, endless cross roads, endless decor options, and housing. Shows how insane having a 100 houses may be.
Not even sure why I am mentioning it. But, whatever.

Categories PC

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I wouldn’t me one to make rumors, but when I think NX, I think FX (as in chip, or expansion). Now my idea on how it could go, which may ruin this plan, if it was their plan, well I thought a thing up, since it would be “unsolicited idea,” I won’t tell them.
I had the idea of a drive, even with expanded process and graphic side lined and running a dedicated Hard Drive (for the game) cart loading like system. The same possibility, can exist with an optical. Imagine, an optical disk, working through a current system, running it’s own graphic and processor with a loader, small enough to fit mobility and as strong as the game needs to be. Really the rest is just monitor and controls. Even as a HD type or Game Card style.
Devs would be running the required processor control, you could even put OS on such a card bay. Find a way to update removable media, you also have an ability to change things enough to shut out the hackers, and have on-disk/card/cart save states too.
They can always solicit my mind’s eye, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Categories Video Games, Wii U

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Are they really because they play CoD and chatter about “gaming?”
Well Geeks, Nerds, Dorks, Jocks, and so on all played action games and fighters, and shooters in arcades.
What changed over a special “Geek area” was the RPG, not just the crudely drawn ones we jokingly did on the school steps where I introduced a Vagina with teeth in sixth grade. I am talking Final Fantasy and then named Dragon Warrior (now Quest), where reading was part of it.
Yes those of us who valued books and I suppose were even smart asses too, liked classic references (like in FF). But it doesn’t count with modern Final Fantasy where they read it for you in various voices, hey I’d take the gig too, I am not hating the voice actors. I just think there are false geeks and nerds claiming love for Final Fantasy, but only because it’s read for them.
Right now there is a jock culture in Gaming, more than ever, especially with the internet and the ability to easily tease and hassle other players on chats. I say “suck it up” but humorless pink shirt wussies think different. Sadly.
But the point is, when a celeb or anyone else tries to sell themselves as a “geek,” ask them if they even read an RPG lately.

Categories Video Games

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In the arena of Steam and PC Gaming, there is an unsung hero, an awesome brilliance that is Party hard, a fun intensive non-stop story Narrative that used 8 bit 80s themes with a story twist to the end matching up with the concept of stealth and unlocked content.
“Party Hard” is on Steam.

Categories PC, Steam

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It’s a nice free fight, after an annoying Tutorial, although Heroes of Ruin had better multiplater communication (course this included a website linked with it and Swapnote), now it’s go on ACNL and discuss a meeting later. The chat is horrible, horrible and no reason to stop “mean language” if wimps and thin skins can just add someone to a block list.
Cecil has no dark Cecil outfit, and not even a FFVI, but too much FFX crap and Sepheroth’s outfit could be tougher and somehow is unisex. Cloud is plain, all but Cecil is female only or should be female only. Squall and Vann look girly and fey. Have not seen Bartz, although I imagine it’s a plain white shirt or he matches your class like he would in FFV and why not Galuf or Tellah? Not sure why Rosa wasn’t there as Girl only outfits. Shame there is no fashion equip, so Seph can go over a worse looking and stronger outfit.
Superficial things aside, it’s a pretty solid game. But Square should have known better with regard to communication, given it’s Heroes of Ruin history and I am not sure why it doesn’t get registered on their site either.

I would ask why FF Dimensions never went to 3DS and why any FF game went off Nintendo, since it’s existence (and all it is now) as a brand is purely Nintendo’s doing. They owe Nintendo, same could be said about Mega Man (Capcom), Dragon Warrior/Quest, etc… Ungreatful. Frankly Nintendo is one of those things, well lets say, you can charge huger prices for Playstation releases to pay for Wii U losses, no, it’s true. These people over paid for a console, what would they care about a game price? Why Ubisoft has no reason to complain when a Wii U AC could have been 50 and 90 on a PS1 or XBOne could be 75.

Added few hours later: Machinist is unfortunate, it’s good, but expected an Edgar like Chainsaw and Bioblaster type.

Categories 3DS, Console

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The good thing is, for starters, it showed the Wii U can do so much they said they couldn’t. SKELL rides are just fun. Co-op Nemesis fights are very good.
More annoyances that occur to me are basic character logic in the mechanics lacking. Like trained fighters willingly running into lava, or not jumping. Yet they fly the SKELL with you. Story mode mixes with the neat fashion wear you chose along side the practical defense gear, but not when you have a run in using your SKELL. There is a heavy over tone of feminist ass kissing with this horrible Samus who is forced into most quests and is mostly useless unlike Mia who comes when she can’t greatly useful despite being so. All that feminist ass kissing does not match the skimpy costumes that end up being stronger than most of the female armor that is heavy and guarding all the skin, despite fashion equip as an option. On one girl who is 13. So it’s pretty disturbing all around in that area, oddly enough that is a more useful character than the forced blonde Reclaimer broad.

Categories Wii U, Console

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Weather it’s a Skell flying Ganglion or a lunatic brother of Street Fighter’s Gouken antagonism is in the air.
Well sort of.
With the Ganglian leader and some odd Lao thing. It’s underwhelming, especially with the Ganglian Skells looking like they could strip skin. On top of all that there is a totally inconclusive ending to Xenoblade X with more questions left than Twin Peaks.
Yet no Xenoblade X 2 announced. Even though, the writing is total trash. Aside from some humorous side missions, usually Nopon ones. It tries to preach a few points using Lao, but it’s over done. Another down point is it’s crappy grasp of body Language like defensive postures as a sign of strength and security. It’s got a bad active battle system. The exploration system is night, the only tough fights are with Tyrant class monsters, and often are really pointless. It is clear, with improved writing it might have passed for a better Transformers game. The SKELL mechanics were quite good. The environments were awesome, it was like Cybertron before the Quintasans made it Cyber. A very good joint battle which is best with the Ares 90 machines. They never answer the question they pose “WTF is with this plane!?”
Xenoblade Chronicals X often becomes like a job. Also all things for all people, just too much. Like Animal Crossing Requests, Monster Hunter Hunts, all game aspects but Story and that is a fail with an RPG, even if it has the best Sky line and a look an climbing ability better than any Assassin’s Creed. Battle System seems to blend Blazblue move execution with RPGish execution.
Oh did I mention the pervs involved in this put a 13 year old who’s strongest armor is a skimpy uniform, which is fucked up if you think less body coverage is more body defense, much less wanting a near naked 13 year old. Yet Nintendo didn’t want people talking on Swapnote. Xenoblade X is the first game to come with a Megan’s Law Warning.

Now a less beautiful world, but not bad. A game with a past of PSN and XB back stabs, with some co-devs going out of business. Another long project meeting it’s end of development and start of play. But one who’s Story was Solid and on going and battles fierce. Also an ok multiplayer resembling Team Fortress and making you vulnerable to water like the squidlings of that awesome game, Splatoon. Multiple Bosses of Multiple types of no specific or predictable nature or moves (unless you count the annoying axe and chainsaw Chimeras). Devil’s Third is a better game, with a more limited world for exploration, although there is some of it with heavy replay value if you like score battles and chasing down War Trophies that help you gain golden eggs for multiplayer benefit. It’s even got some sort of conclusive meaning to beat the Story Mode.
Watch out for Jane Doe, one smell of the crotch can kill you.
Remember the clash situation with Bellec in Assassin’s Creed: Unity, well Valhalla made it work without loop. No stage switching, but you go on.

Now both are are much more brilliant than Mass Effect III that suffered too much here, not enough there. Although at least it concluded.

*All were played fully by me. Well Devil’s Third was a short stint on muti-player.

*I love that none use payed DLC, multi-player allows for buying golden eggs in Devil’s Third. Also they allow for download data that help hasten loads, but it may mean the expense of a HD. If Nintendo shared a piece, I’d let them dev my physical copy system idea, much better than Optical.

If I chose one alone, it would be Devil’s Third.

Be nice if FFE (3DS) isn’t a disappointment.

Categories Console, Wii U

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Before these hacks, you would rarely see any more than 1, maybe very rarely two in the quadruple digits (sometimes a friend may get asked on Team Speak to get 0p or something, but rarely), basically if two get over 1000 it’s suspicious, if 3 get it the fix is in.
Although usually no one is over 1000 when one guy is at 0. One could claim suspicion when 67% is covered in the short time. Either someone is asked not to fight, or there is a hacking.

Categories Wii U, Video Games

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