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Play-Asia Search (crypto friendly):


The Original Article I found it was important enough for it be easily read in English. Even Steam, and my Own Slave Master has issues with these shady sites offering zip files of God knows what.

With a ‘clean’ URL, producer begs for removal of illegal content Nintendo has been battling piracy for decades. This time, the publisher wants to undo any search links that direct the user to illegal content. Instead of regular DMCA notifications, the gaming company uses anti-circumvention complaints to have Google remove URLs from jailbreak software and flash card adapters from its search engine. The Team-Xecuter program is the main target, but the company also targets legitimate stores like Newegg.

The company has an internal anti-piracy division that signals recent threats and eventually provides oversight guidance. The initiative resulted in several actions against ROM sites, as well as blocking other portals. The attitude also places e-commerces that sell r4i memory card adapters.

However, in recent months the company has adopted another strategy to limit the availability of these sites worldwide by turning to Google directly. The game company has sent removal warnings to the search engine trying to knock down thousands of URLs. However, these requests are not a guarantee of official ban. With that in mind, Nintendo flags the sites for violating the DMCA anti-circumvention provision.

“Nintendo’s technology protection measures (‘TPMs’) ensure that only official copies of its game software can be played on Nintendo’s video game systems,” writes Nintendo.

“The circumvention devices, products or components offered on the reported links bypass Nintendo TPMs so that users can play unauthorized copies of Nintendo game files that are offered illegally over the Internet,” it added in a statement.

Although Google has voluntarily opted out of URLs, there is no need to leave a counter-notification option. The situation puts the “pirate” sites at a disadvantage.

Categories Console, Video Games

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I am not regretting getting it, largely because it’s a symbol of releasing a game right. I respect CD Project Red, for showing everyone in their industry, they can put a full game into a physical release, in most cases. It showed some skill.
Now it looks great (I did use a M-Classic), but I know of the downgrades, I saw the compares, and they weren’t much to me.
I don’t think the game play is tops, I think it’s a moderate challenge at best, the story is written as a chore to listen to and read. I hate the item menus and shop menus.
Also as compared to the Dragon Quest 11 release, having the physical DQ 1,2,3 and Dark Siders II I am dying to dive back into. Following DQ 11 is a hard act, and I hate what they did with time and paradox, but largely, DQ11 is brilliant.
The best part, is the monster battles, especially the Griffin thing. But, the battles, oh unless your in a wolf area, doesn’t happen much. Weather Breath of the Wild or Link’s Awakening type in that Genre has it bear in that area. BoTW has a terrible DLC added dungeon thing, all the same, and there isn’t even a complete edition either.
The added physical materials, were very nice. Although they could have added controls to the booklet. But it’s nice to see a map, like Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest II came with.
So if you want to promote physical release in the industry and doing it right on day 1, get it to send the message. It’s a great vote with the wallet option.
But I am so tempted to put it off at least til I get through other things, including the swash buckling Assassin’s Creed Games.
Dam still have a thing or two left for Salt and Sanctuary.

Categories Console, Switch

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Doctor Who (2nd)
The Macra Terror (animated repro, original audio)
Patrick Troughton (The Doctor), Frazer Himes (Jamie), Anneke Willis (Polly).
John Davies (Director)
Ian Stuart Black (Writer)

A brilliant insightful statement about authoritarianism and the use of propaganda and forceful psychiatric treatment. Likely the primary influence of the Sun Makers.
They land on a colony filled with propaganda and a great secret kept under control by a 1984 style Controller (idea of the President) speech.
The citizens are blinded by mesmerism in bed, or if it fails psychiatry or forced labor mines. During the discovery of this the doctor utters the statement, “Never just obey, think for yourself.” The moment of hearing this, I went, “Now that’s the Doctor I remember.”
Ironically New Who, the BBC even, has more been more of the villain in The Macra Terror.
I could say more, but if you want to have it spoiled, the Wiki sites will do it for you.
I can offer a riddle, when you have Gas got to Scratch, what do you get?

Animation is Archer style came with Color and B&W versions.


Categories Dr Who, Sci Fi

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The only Doctor, in an era with less TVs in home, made double digits (ratings) was Tom Baker. Now in contrast to a “lucky if 8 Million see it” New Who. Even the numbers 1-3 were bigger, given how much rare TV ownership was. Some people had TVs on lay away stretching to the 3rd Doctor.
Lay away, was a monthly fee based thing, where you paid the installments before you got it. Back then it still might not have been dead tech in a year.
Why mention this, well Dr Who always has to follow that man, Troughton was a huge deal in that scope, and this guy could follow that act. He is the best.
Davison had to follow that guy directly and Colin Baker just reminded people with his last name through the latter lives. McGann was a solid casting, but had little time, but had it, but still, that was a heavy follow.
Now that’s all Classic, where writing was better, with somewhat terrible costuming and well it isn’t better now, but they use CGI trash to make up for bad design.
Even Cheetah people aren’t ass horrible as those Steroid infused ET monsters, and the way they bung up the Nesteen in Rose.
But the casting up to the 12th, if you still didn’t gate keep it by this time was terrible (at least for the title role). Design of terrible designs. The possibility of bringing back the Rani, but only to gender turn the Master. Who really had no reason to be back, after causing the TARDIS indigestion.
Some flimsy story line reasoning, blah blah crucible……he was offered a life cycle before, as was the future Doctor Villan, the one now? Valyard were given false offers of new lives, and the premise was, can offer but can’t do.
Letts to Holmes had more vision as well. But there is no mistaking the presence and skill of Tom Baker that is always a follow up act. They might have had something in Capaldi if they wrote and ran things like Letts and Holmes. But it was shit, and the new who “just let them talk” method of useless assistants never ended.
Nothing like Zoe, Sarah, Lela and all that who did more doing and even learning from a fellow of an advanced society, well technically advanced.
Largely new who became a mirror of internal skin head of RTD or the religious sanctimony within Moffat, scared religious worry about angels. It went further right than the libertarian cause driven traveler and then the pendulum dropped so hard it ended up a sort of anti-Woman Woman in the Gender Critical TERF sort of way. Which oddly enough unites Feminism with Classic Liberals in a strange way.
New Dr Who’s preachie zeal creating more questions than answers, and more bad casting, and bad writing.
Still his Grand Daughter awaits his return, as promised.
What worked for the ones who did it well, were they were great odd balls, real odd balls, a second or first nature odd ball. A specialty gig only a few could really master.
Tom, even off job of sorts, will say some incredibly amusing things.

Categories Dr Who, Sci Fi

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Now this is the best one since 4, and even has a similar efforts after a major Kefka like event. Where Characters do end up in their own side stories. They even point to it with Erik.
My Objections are largely the British area voices, mostly when they show up in Hoto or what almost seems like a joke on Dr Strange on Mt Pang where the Shao Lin types have a accents exotic, but the Lama has a low class British one. Also happens in Hoto, which is oddly enough where they have an exotic syntax with half assed Haiku talk and bring in limey sisters who talk low class English.
Guttersnipe English. Rain in Spain spell wasn’t there to help.
It’s structurally awesome even in 3d mode, which is too big, if you look at the scale of 2d. In the sense, it takes too much time, bridges are too wide. Things like that. 2d takes at least a third of the time to finish things, and has a less restricted map. Although random attacks, which I like and show more challenge.
2d makes the 3d look like a Tutorial. It’s amazing how much of the DQ charm remains in a 3d world. Something largely failed in Final Fantasy since FF7, sort brought back in IX alone.
But man is it big, there was an update today, and am not even sure what it did.
A very lovely story. Usual aspects like the mini medals and World Tree stuff.
3d adds something from Radiant Hystoria, for pre-empting attacks. Although doesn’t stop them.
It’s a lot of fun, and it’s like playing two versions, I have been doing that at once to compare time.
So nice to have a complete game. No glitches spotted.
Best voice are Erik, Rab, and the main Villain.
Best part is the lack of long cinematic cut scenes, although I’d say still too many, but at least you play more than watch


I’ll add to it, if there is more reason, it’s really huge.

Dragon Quest XI DE S at Play Asia (Takes Crypto)

Categories Switch, Console

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I’ll keep everyone updated, seems Chromium based is having issue with this sites css alone, not other textpattern CMS hosted on the same server, and other sites.


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File 12: Reborn is where I was last, after a awesome boss battle. Not all that I liked, one boss scenario, is dodging an annoying slash. Did Standard and not sure about the scoring, got Ds where I thought I did brilliantly and S+ where I thought I could do better, but maybe it was me.
It’s a Syndicate Twin Scenario, and unapologetic babe booty flashing style with only Nintendo to go, “pff what ever man…” over. I frankly don’t care, just glad I am not forced to accept a Sharia attire.
You choose the paternal male twins, now all be it, predictable father situation, that Honey Badger and other MRA groups will love, where he gives up his life in bravado, could say I spoiled, but I didn’t say when, but you’ll know when the scene starts.
None the less, it’s not a total end to the paternal protector, and in some way you’ll learn this near the end.
That was a surprise, a little. I knew it would happen in some way, but not that way.
So the story is rather captivating, and I worried it was going to be a bit of pro-state cop lust fest, where no one ever does wrong, shit it wasn’t that sort of propaganda anymore than it is any other. Drop your dicks right wing.
No new game+ but there are post Boss stages, or File 12. I wondered because there was always stuff for a legion I didn’t have yet and never could do, so I am hopeful I can return to it in that area.
3 Battle sets like Bayonetta 2, and the grades go on a similar board at the end.
Standard makes sense to me, because it’s how I figured they initially designed it.
It does the Blade thing better than Xenoblade 2, and you’ll notice a sound track item or two from Xenoblade X.
It’s decently written and a lot of fun. Now I will pass out or walk away from a game, so it likely would take less than the 64 hours listed. Tad of a habit, to forget the game was still on. Also, a cram = passing out.

Categories Switch, Video Games

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Oh…..I finish Astral Chain , then I think, I’ll play that video….and uh, oh brother….more Smash Brothers …oh cool AC Black Flag and Rogue . Solid, no Syndicate? Oh wow DQ11, I knew that, excited for it. Animal Crossing, more uninteresting stuff added to the info file. Well not much new.
Oh Devil May Cry 2, okay, might be worth a shot. Hey they listened and added Super Nintendo Games to the Online Service with Co-Op. Oh I have to have that Super Nintendo Controller.
Oh brother, Overwatch I know I hated it, it was a little Woke and the bad dirty little Games media loved it, and over played it like the were paid to talk about it by Blizzard. “Doom 64”:”:https://www.play-asia.com/search/Dom+64?affiliate_id=1515117, wow Bathesda keeps the winners coming.
Remade Trials of Mana, you know it’s as good as it gets in the Collection of Mana. A Banjo Date, Terry Bogart……oh and it won’t fucking stop. Smash Brothers Ultimate is going “Games as a Service” so it’s dead to me.
Super Kirby Clash seems, cute, haven’t tried it, but eh, I might, it costs time no matter what, so if it cuts into other things. Deadly Premonition failed to excite me. Oh GRID Autosport, that sounds fine.
FE, some Gaiden, I grew up in show business, so I only failed my dreams of not being in it.
Luigi’s Mansion 3 looks pretty awesome. Nothing new. Xenoblade Chronicles again, this is what they ended on. Oh really Monolith, we’ve been wondering about the open ended XBX and you still can’t be bothered to make an XBX2?
Obra Dinn, I prefer the game where you sink England’s Tea. Jedi shit, no thanks.
If anything, Overwatch may make me curious, not in the way they’d Pink Wash and exploit me over if they could. That is no curiosity. But I’ll leave the Bi thing out of this, unlike Blizzard does.
So uh, underwhelming would be a kind thing to say. Who plotted this out?

Categories Switch, Video Games

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