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Play-Asia Search (crypto friendly):


In a world full of gibberish wielding Non Playables rambling things that send your girl back to the spy nest and cult hideout to be raped or used to torment you there is a awesome and large world filled with excellent travels and lots of hats, a whole lots of hats, more than Looney Toons.
These hats don’t change your personality however.
It seems more resistant to technology that would be used to interact with your game, boosting monsters and nerfing you. The one thing I noticed is someone deleted a strong piece of armor I risked for. Other instances are randomly removed armor and shoulder pads.
It is filled with sleeper codes and even gibberish promoting Onanism. So be warned, it’s like so many games going back to the sound track of Breath of Fire. If your girl grew up in a cult, keep an eye on her, if you are so privileged to so.
It has excellent evasion and battle game play, and very interesting maps and rather fun puzzles.
Best game I played in years, which is what they say about my wife after I play video games. As I have discovered.

Warning: Border Line Tree Huggy and Lots of Platitudes.

I had 4 crashs, saw a less glitches than I had fingers.

Played on Nintendo Switch (Physical).

Categories Console, Switch

Your 2 Coins


Now this is based on not first release date, but when I played it. Also based on cost vs value.
Points drop if I notice Government Grants. Also physical copies have a bias in favor. Met hype as well.
Click a link or search the Play-Asia bar above. (Vancouver Control Market)

01. TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge (Physical – Nintendo Switch)
02. Kirby’s Deamland Deluxe (Physical – Nintendo Switch)
03. Super Mario Wonder (Physical – Nintendo Switch)
04. Tales of Symphonia Remastered (Physical – Nintendo Switch)
05. Arkham Trilogy (Physical – Nintendo Switch)
06. Octopath Traveller II (Physical – Nintendo Switch)
07. Nuclear Blaze (Physical – Nintendo Switch)
09. Trek To Yomi (Physical – Nintendo Switch)
10. Cult of the Dead (Physical – Nintendo Switch)
11. Deaths Door (Physical – Nintendo Switch)
12. Legend Of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Physical – Nintendo Switch)
13. Tactics Ogre Remaster (Physical – Nintendo Switch)
14. Blade Assault (Physical – Nintendo Switch)

Categories Console, Switch


You might think, oh, no problem putting all these games on a game card. You’d be correct.
You’d think they might even do this, this positive assertion would be incorrect.
I ordered it on the the positive assertion, and it even came with a sticker.

The sticker, as seen above, laid it out, and stated they were all in box/card.
Even if, whilst not on the Amazon box, it had “download” mention.

It didn’t mention that 2 off the games were it, could easily have been an update. Eventually you’ll see a 50GB mention, which seems wrong, but isn’t too available online to see. Yet again, on the damn plastic it said it was all in there.
This criminal practice has to stop, no one should reward this crime.


Your 2 Coins


Important missing points by IGN, with regard to the 16 minute intro, nothing but cut scenes, how does this evade attention? Oh to be fair there is a short walk and a run between the two, and you almost think your about to fight a Eikon (Eidolon/Esper/Summon), but guess what!? No, it’s a fucking segway cutscene to more…you guessed it…cut scene(s).
On top of that this Action RPG, unlike Final Fantasy being a standard turn based RPGS, people may mention the Gaidens (Final Fantasy Explorer and Adventure and Online). It would be fucking wrong to say so.
The subtitle is rather important in separating the gaidens from the series. Yes I also agree these 4 stance partial Xenoblade engines of 12-15 are dirt shit as well and also more actiony.
The map shown also, is not a Final Fantasy map, unless you count that shit storm 10. That garbage won’t fly with me.
Graphics, it reminds me, like the tedious into, of Skyrim.
Oh god, where are the top-down games, where have they left us?

Categories Console, Video Games

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On the eve of finishing the hopeful and mediocre and overpriced Super Mario Wonderful, we will soon be seeing Super Mario RPG released under claim that it’s “remastered.”
Rather felt it was rather well mastered on day 1, maybe some things could be better, I wonder what would be worth the re-release of an old Super Nintendo era game, I think I played on the Switch System already.
Well all they can claim, up to this point, is a graphical touch up made with a likely simple and cheep javascript somehow justifies a nearly 80 dollars in Great Red North Money. I would disagree.
Save it.
Star Ocean The Second Story R (NSW) is 65, and I am grinding my teeth on that notion, although it’s been a while longer since I played it.
Nintendo should be ashamed.

Categories Console, Switch

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Never since Assassin’s Creed Unity Sequence 7 have I a managed to experience such horror, such idiocy. ACU, well that was a fucking glitch. Level 15, is a total shit storm of an error in what was, up to then, a fabulous experience, at this point the game is torched. Torched by wondering into a fire trap where the test to get the key card, is to find the wrong key card, and only the wrong key card. Blue card, green doors. Imagine the nightmare being before you see the other side of the green door. Nuclear Blaze was taking me there and when I was about to release, boom! Gamer blue balls. I was so upset, I even delayed writing this, hoping there would be the “update mulligan” later, nope! What was supremely awesome, it came with a real booklet.

Sound and Graphics are solid.
Very pretty, solid Gameplay and challenge.
Fundamental error at Level 15.


Your 2 Coins


Two games by Devolver caught my eye on theme.
1. A Cult Simulator, Dungeon Crawler: Cult of the Lamb.
2. A Setsuna like Action/RPG about a Reaper Crow: Death’s Door.

Cult of the Lamb starts out amusing and get’s Rune Factory level demanding, even to the point where cult followers quickly start making complaints, not sure they understood how cults work. Really no option to kill them (I could open a prison), or put a ping pong ball in their gas tank after they leave.
It could have been designed better, usually discontent occurs when numbers grow, not when there are three cultist glad the other cult isn’t sacrificing them.

Death’s Door starts out interesting, and fun but drags a bit with lengthy stages that feel a bit repetitive. It’s rather like Oni Naki but less depressing. Very nice monster design, although may seem derivative of I Am Setsuna, it’s almost like the RPG Factory and Square, said “No more,” and parted it over to Devolver.

Not the most disappointing games, in a season of them, oh Nuclear Blaze don’t fail me now.

Categories Switch, Console

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So your ready to get ready for a new hard hitting adventure with Link as he chases the tail that will never put out?
Well, guess you’ll have to be satisfied for Nintendo’s most expensive Switch game, to date, well….more like an expansion game to the Breath of the Wild, with additional content from Skyward Sword.
Sure it’s got a lot of excellent exploration like BoTW, but even less treasure to find, and that’s with the added sky ruins.
It has you ready for a prequel and then discovering it isn’t and then wondering why the fuck it has an alive Zelda in it.
Don’t worry you can build a car, but don’t stop there, there is a special skill called “Map.
If your lucky you might get a chance to not finish an messed up trial on a sky track, or wonder why your saving millions of blue prints you’re never going to use.
Guess what else, long are gone the days where your bothered with a special ring to lift a heavy object early in the game, or even have one of those annoying spell medallions. Who needs to send Ether at an enemy, you have Topaz!
On top of all this, you can collect useless weapons and use a “special,” with an emphasis on that word, skill to merge weapons, instead of a crafting board. Oh and guess what, the weapons can also break after a while.
Why bother with weapons stores, dealers and holding on to a new useful weapon or tool, when it can break partly into a battle.
If you want to roam around and enjoy the sights, it may be for you. For 100 Cdn after tax, it’s a rip off.
If you want to know why your hunting around for cut scenes all day, it may be for you.
If you want to enjoy a LoZ game, the Switch has Link’s Awakening. Enjoy it.

Categories LoZ, Switch

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It’s a pixel side moving game that shows beautiful 80s cyberpunk views and throws you in a world of random fucking items, occasionally useful, and often one that offers you a probable chance at probable defense or other things.
It’s often getting the fire shit, even, if it worked, shock shielding, but much of it sucked.
The gun is nice, when unlocked, as the default sword, but only if it flares up.
There really is no strategy involved, just item lotteries and very little to offer skill. Aside from any
annoying tree system.
If you die, at some point, you start again and can select, a barely effective, skill tree bonus, if you find the right materials the play before.
It’s largely bullshit, but can be fun to shoot a bunch of guys like Captain Commando.
I’ll just say this, I wish I didn’t buy Blade Assault, at all.

Categories Switch, Console

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What the fuck am I playing!?
I get out of a tomb, after what seems like a required loss (Samurai) and I find myself wandering around wondering, what I am supposed to fucking do in this game.
All I’ve done thus far is kill some unfed moron cultists, fall to far to my death, nailed a few soldiers and with no purpose, well maybe to shut some of the mantra up. A mantra seemingly designed to actually trigger someone.
A directionless game, with very little rune (exp) grind. Eventually I did find the bimbo at a broken church, who wished to increase my level. I had to search for a story aspect to up my damn level!?
Fuck this. Elden Ring blows.
It drags on so much, I was hoping for some feminist ‘on the rag doll’ to show up with an annoying message.

Additional: Shitty typeface for a TV.

Categories Steam, PC

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