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Play-Asia Search (crypto friendly):

Xenoblades X: WTF


The good thing is, for starters, it showed the Wii U can do so much they said they couldn’t. SKELL rides are just fun. Co-op Nemesis fights are very good.
More annoyances that occur to me are basic character logic in the mechanics lacking. Like trained fighters willingly running into lava, or not jumping. Yet they fly the SKELL with you. Story mode mixes with the neat fashion wear you chose along side the practical defense gear, but not when you have a run in using your SKELL. There is a heavy over tone of feminist ass kissing with this horrible Samus who is forced into most quests and is mostly useless unlike Mia who comes when she can’t greatly useful despite being so. All that feminist ass kissing does not match the skimpy costumes that end up being stronger than most of the female armor that is heavy and guarding all the skin, despite fashion equip as an option. On one girl who is 13. So it’s pretty disturbing all around in that area, oddly enough that is a more useful character than the forced blonde Reclaimer broad.

Categories Wii U, Console

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