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#operationplatinum: Brilliant....: Bayonetta 2


If only Doctor Who could grasp a paradox so well and fix it. Then it would be Bayonetta, although with the same annoyance of too many limey accents.

It’s a nasty annoyance all over lately, although the only pure heart is an American voice (most recognizable as Arkham Riddler and Blazblue Hazama, sounds similar anyway; which makes his snide remark winning silver sound evil), although never felt a journalist filled that bill. Everyone needs on imperfection, at least. It is well written, although the humor becomes more obvious and flamboyant. Not to say it’s bad humor. Bloody inferno scenes are just crazy, worlds are more open in 2, more room to look for things. Although it always had interesting hiding places.

Love the freeze frame story method, which is sort of comic like, although rather liked the film effect over the clock, but I still do love clocks. I’d explain the paradox fix in the end, but won’t ruin it for anyone not there yet, really wish I could, if you didn’t see it, maybe it can be explained later at request.
It is also open ended, so could Bayonetta 3 be on minds?

Who the fuck needs AC Unity? Ubisoft can send me a fucking playstation and the game to further that enquiry. I am not paying for their crap away from the Wii U. Not to mention another system with a lesser controller.

Speaking of Witch, they could have used the lower screen for a map or something, rather than run the game on both that and the TV at the same time.

Categories Wii U, Video Games

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