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Some #NX Chatter: Thoughts....


Hate to bother with rumor mills, but on what is true or what is guessed a few thoughts.

The idea that two systems is great? Well say you want one system open to read miiverse, or your playing more than one game or more than one system (even with 3ds you have people with multiple 3ds, and multiple ACNLs or what have you). I don’t think one can expect the same mult-3ds purchase that you see with the NX, at least not for less than scalping on ebay.
Granted miiverse is browser too, but how often does one use that option or would even at that point? Usually it’s best to get your screen shots that you can’t get easy on the New 3ds now with the hard to get microSD.
Can’t help think they could have ran something that poosts CPU power, and adds cooling to the back of the Wii U or a cart drive or my idea could have been solicited to make it a removable HD port. Still could be wired through Wii U. Who knows. It would be nice to have a dual screen that could move around like the 3ds….sort like a more powerful dual screen Vita with TV connections But I am not sure.

If NX docking also runs a Steam Link on it, man will it destroy. It’s only down side, is like the opening time of the Wii U, it released at a fiscally bad time for customers. Course no one has to get it on day 1.

Power, who cares. Frankly the power of the Wii U was enough but 3rd parties just hated promoting their own stuff, they wanted official bundles for their stuff which only went to 1st and 2nd Party games. 3rd Parties are often terrible at letting you know they have released for the Wii U too. Slightly toned down Graphics occured on the XB too, but who cares. You still get stuck with a bad controller. I like the pad on the Wii U and many other options too. Better experience, and they actually back their hardware up with their own 1Ps. They could make Amiibo more of DLC hard copy delivery system. Anything downloaded isn’t returnable for a credit at EB or anything.

Categories NX, Console

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