
A friend of mine found a code, now if I was asked, I’d say “don’t go there,” and that this guy or the people he found and dreamed hacked roms and using attachments placed them back, causing compatibility issues with other towns like my friend Terry, who claimed she was hacked by a dreamed town. Basically lost her town and got a glitched town, or hacked town, from a dream and lost all her efforts.

Now this isn’t just violating other players, but it’s fucking around with Nintendo user agreements, it must be, hell it’s even wrong. It didn’t even stay with Emulators, it was placed in the dream suite.

I said so on miiverse and it got flagged and pulled.

Weather he did it or not, he is encouraging it. If you find these towns, report it to Nintendo Support, if their idiot online forms have the right drop downs for it. If not, I guess call or use their support forums, which for some reason, do not tie into your miiverse and my.nintendo login.

Categories ACNL, 3DS

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